If you have a whiteboard marker, you can draw over it and then erase it. Works wonders.
And things in itself that are too small to see with even a microscope do not reflect light right? Light might interact there but will not reflect in the usual sense, it can however emit light though. As far as I understand that is.
Interestingly I can agree on the grossness of it, only when “the mood”™ arises a kind of nasty turns into attractively naughty. It’s a strange alteration. Like the new texture of a food you might find somewhat repulsive at first suddenly becomes highly addictive or desirable when you give in to it. The sleazy feeling of wanting to keep popping bubble wrap plastic without stopping.
This differs based on time, context (persons) and general mood.
I wonder if at a base level we have kind of the same attitude, but the hormonal alteration or lack thereof is what creates the differences and clouds my mind while yours stay sharp.
The trick is to cut out the sticker (with the film underneath) and use paste gum to just place it where you want it. You can then remove it and stick it somewhere else whenever you want.
Interesting, would the muscles of someone living far away from the equator be stronger in general than compared to someone with the same genes / lifestyle on the equator?
Euthanasia should be available for anyone at any age. You don’t choose to be born, life has no inherent value, suffering is strictly personal. Suicide is a terrible option with lots of drama, an extremely high failure rate and lifelong treatments or medication that are seen as the solution by society is a conservative convulsion of keeping people alive under any circumstances.
We could set up three sessions with a therapist, to keep people from losing loved ones too fast. But honestly, to me that would feel patronizing. That other people find it important someone stays alive is their problem. If it hurts them too much they can do the same.
There is joy in life and that’s beautiful, but on a scale suffering has the possibility to be more intense. Let people die without drama, let them say goodbye if they want with a ceremony, let them choose.
That’s the next step in the mentality of a modern civilization. It will fix the drama of wars, hunger and pain as you always have a simple painless solution if the suffering gets too heavy. Just end it, peacefully, whenever you want.
Maybe he is over a thousand years old, don’t you see the wrinkles?