Not calling them illegal makes you the problem.
Not calling them illegal makes you the problem.
Didn’t wish death on these people. Just saying that the word illegal is always skipped.
Somehow the word illegal is always missed when saying immigrants.
Please stop whining about it.
Are you saying Musk isn’t AI?
Creepy as F.
Fuck no. You must have misread what I said or you’re stupid and don’t know what that is. I do. If you think Trump is behind it then you need to turn off the news.
I totally agree but I see it reversed. Trumps policies had the economy going well. He’s a douche. But times were better. They ain’t getting better under Biden. But fuck me. I’ve never voted for a dem or republican. Wrote in Wu Tang last time as a protest. Doesn’t matter either way. I’m in NY so they go blue with or without me. Fuck em all I say but if I had to pick one (I don’t have to and won’t) gotta have Trump just to change up from Biden. It’ll suck but suck less. We need more and better options. People seem to pick based on one issue. I say the economy is the most important thing even though I believe women should have abortions. But step one and then push real reform to the system so we’re not dealing with these dumb choices. I think I’ll write in Donald Duck this time.
Social media is what you make of it.
I’m cool in my 2009 with no payments for what I do.
Oldy but a goody and not ai related.
Well you should hate both of the made up parties then. Be smarter and stop using tv talking points. Makes you sound stupid.
Thinking that way makes you an awful person.
The people shooting people will not be paying these taxes. Another law that punishes law abiding citizens.
Reminded me of this