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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • Are you saying that it does work with open suse tumbleweed with the stock kernel?

    I havent run opensuse much as a server but am always looking at it and Arch.

    Probably going to switch to Arch eventually because the arch wiki is just the best docs I’ve found.

    If you’re not relying on say a closed source driver that needs to compile for each kernel update you should have no issues there.

    If you set up btrfs snapshots to run on updates then you could always just roll back if there’s a bad one. That’s how my arch laptop is set up.

    Personally wouldn’t use Debian testing over arch or tumbleweed though. I think there’s something to be said for being on the same packages as the maintaners and not a testing version.

  • Eh. Young people are always the most likely to be flakey pieces of shit at any job. It self filters out pretty quick.

    Also, I work trades and I’ll just say that from my point of view very few people are literate outside what they immediately need to navigate their lives. Like on bigger jobs we’ll have a worker at random read out a section of corporate safety policy in the morning meeting and let’s just say that literacy is a spectrum and most people are “functional” but do not read for pleasure or knowledge on their own time.

  • I think people underestimate how much the physical state of your body, ie hormones brain structure etc play in how you make decisions.

    When I was a lad I almost always knew I was making the wrong decisions but felt powerless in the moment to stop myself. I also had basically no concept of the future as a real thing that would happen and could be planned for until I was like 27 or so. Like the logical knowing things part of my brain knew the right moves but the doing things me rarely consulted with knowing things me.

    Not to mention that kids have a serious lack of control over their own destinies.

    I honestly think going back in time with all my memories is one of the worse hells I can imagine. Just doomed to watch myself fuck up in similar ways again and hope that it all works out “OK” this time too.

  • Oh I know, it’s a whole conspiracy to make everything an appliance you can only use in specified ways rather than useful tools. But its honestly going to start coming back on thses companies in another decade or two when no one can work on their shit for them without extensive training. Course I bet well see the big companies just buy out and run their own corporate schools and make good useful school for your kids one of their benefits for working for them but I like to believe that public schools arent dead yet in my province.

  • I’ve noticed a consistent decline in all skills in the last decade of new apprentices. It used to be that you’d get a “computer smart” kid or a “hand skills” kid, farm, shop class, etc. Now I typically see neither. My last apprentice had only ever used an iPhone and a Chromebook(what schools use now apparently) and an Xbox. So when I handed him my laptop to teach him how to configure some devices he got lost on the use of filling in an excel spreadsheet and saving and finding and opening the files. It would have been just as fast to have someone who’d never even seen a computer before. And he wasn’t able to lift very heavy things and had poor grip strength. Good kid, he’ll be ok but it could all be a lot easier for all of us.

    I blame the school systems and the general trend of making all devices extremely consumer unfriendly. I used to tinker with all the aspects of the family computer as a kid, and my dad and his friends would regularly get together and work on their vehicles. Now every device is more appliance than tool. Anyways that’s my prematurely old man rant for the day.

  • Its such a philosophical dead end. I know a few people who really want the world to be a simulation but I cant understand why. I think they want an excuse to have nothing matter and be shitty.

    But i would not live my life any differently if we found out that this is a simulation. Because its still real to me and there’s no reason to believe I can exist outside the simulation any more than my sims can exist outside the game.