Then you’ll definitely want an DS or DS Lite and the R4 since you can backup your cart and make your own ROM with it.
The GBxCart is also another good value backup tool.
3DS and DS games are best backed up on a modded 3DS
I run 16 Bit Virtual Studios. You can find more reviews from me on YouTube youtube.com/@16bitvirtual or other social media @16bitvirtual, and we sell our 3D Printed stuff on 16bitstore.com
Then you’ll definitely want an DS or DS Lite and the R4 since you can backup your cart and make your own ROM with it.
The GBxCart is also another good value backup tool.
3DS and DS games are best backed up on a modded 3DS
Since doing things legit is off the table. All you need is a modded 3DS.
With a GBA injector you can play emerald and leaf green/fire red on your 3DS.
With an R4 you can play the DS games, but the Twilight menu++ you can play the DS games on system, and with cia installers you can get the 3DS games too.
If you want to keep things…… authentic. A DSLite plus 3DS is all you need since Everdrive for gba and R4 for DS works. Plus you can transition early and keep playing the same saves on 3ds.
Only considerate is if you need the IR from Heart Gold or Black 1 or 2. Twilight Menu I think allows you to use non Pokemon games with IR as a substitute… can’t remember what game. But I think it works.
Thank you, if you do want to see my models, they are on Printables here: https://www.printables.com/@16bitvirtual
Normally I would, but the models is partially corrupt, it doesn’t print right, and it only works with larger Garmin. So I am not uploading it
I can take Youngblood for xbone. Got the system for Conkers but wouldn’t mind a wolf game on there
My story is a simple one.
I turned on my computer I logged in, did some work, played some games then I turned it off.
No one tried to murder me (force updates), or put me in a potato (notification ads), or feed me to birds (change my defaults). I had a pretty good life.
Amazon it’s a right angle to Garmin connector. In hindsight I probably could’ve got the charging puck instead
If you are into light novels the publisher JNovel Club sells their books DRM free from their website
Humm, for PCs I’d have to say iMac
For game consoles it’s a hard debate between the GameBoy Pocket or the GameBoy Micro. One is the essence of a GameBoy shrunken down to a power efficent and usable design. While the other is the smallest you can make a console while still having it usable.
$899 CAD…. For a budget iPhone… the se3 was $579 CAD or $649 CAS for 128GB.
You get 1 ups at the fruit machine at the end of the levels. Otherwise they are very very well hidden in certain levels.
At least on the PS1 game they were a Pac-Man sprite that was slightly transparent
Good news is that there are alternative ways to download these books from Amazon for backup purposes. It’s not as straightforward but it’s doable.
That said I will be refusing to buy from any storefront that doesn’t offer a way to download my books. Even adobe digital editions is a viable alternative.
From the sounds of it, better collaboration and sharing of projects.
Cloud storage for Autodesk Fusion 360 from the looks of it. TBH it’s hard to even google.
My solution to this was to back up all my projects so I have a local copy, and move to FreeCAD. I’m tired of Autodesk changing the deal every year or so.
My fav is giving one of theses
and if they don’t get the message
I read the manual for my cars radio. It has a max file size limit of like 256 songs or so per folder. But it can also accept 256 folders.
So if your cars is anything like mine you can probably play your songs just by splitting them up into more folders.
Flying car cheat in San Andreas. I don’t know what the buttons are, by my muscle memory is so ingrained that if I start it I can usually get it after 1/2 attempts. Even if I haven’t touched the games in years.
I had this discussion (read argument) back on reddit a while back. And it’s about 15 to 20 years or at the time people were calling PS1/N64 Retro during the PS3 era.
By my math systems like the PS3 and Xbox 360 are now “retro”, at least for some kids. I defiantly feel dated when some kid shows up on a PSP thread going on about their Dad’s old PSP. And it’s weird to think that the Vita and 3DS are about to fall into that camp.
I made a video a while ago going over the DS line if you want to watch my opinion: https://youtu.be/LAzUY1L0yOE
If you want to go into the nitty gritty 3DBrew has a wiki for it: https://3dbrew.org/wiki/Hardware
However to directly answer your question. 3DS, 2DS and 3DS XL do have minor differences between the versions, at their core are the same machines with an ARM 9 Processor.
3DS was the original release, and while it’s hardware hasn’t aged well. The system sold well enough.
2DS was a budget friendly option, going as low as $99 USD with game bundles. The system only had a single display pretending to be a dual screen.
3DS XL was for those who wanted a bigger screen. Bigger didn’t mean more pixels. Just physically larger.
The New Nintendo 3DS line N3DS, N3DSXL, and N2DSXL were the ones with hardware upgrades and are worth a pretty penny. If you were looking to emulate more than what Nintendo offered this is the one to get.
However if you want more details I’d watch some videos going over them. It’s hard to understand their differences without seeing it.