It’s a slight modification to my existing design which can be found here:
The two tone was originally created by accident as we were running out of light blue and I decided to go all out on the top side.
She is very happy with the results.
I’d put my pencil in that
I too choose this man’s wife.
Damnit, i was really just trying to complement the case 😣
Nah it’s sweet for sure. I just had to say it.
No, you didn’t. It is not required that someone be a sleazy fuck in every post.
It’s a reference
I don’t care
Aw, I love you too!
Why assume this woman’s wife is a man?
It’s a meme
Sounds like a sexist meme, then. We shouldnt be promoting it
It’s explicitly about a guys dead wife. Would be silly to make it gender neutral when it was explicitly gendered to begin with.
Well done! Big fan of the two tone finish.
Was the top piece printed as a single part with a filament swap part way through, or is it two separate pieces stuck together?
2 prints, swapped after the last solid infill on the bottom, and before the first solid infill on the top.