People who feel this way almost always just need to exercise more
People who feel this way almost always just need to exercise more
It’s hard but not impossible. You’ll make less money but have much more stability.
After multiple layoffs I started freelancing. The autonomy and multiple streams of income has been great for my mental health.
You can blame crypto bros but the original owners sold out. Once a studio has been swallowed up by a conglomerate it is only a matter of time before it turns to shit.
The owners might have had no choice though because they took a ton of venture capital funding.
I’ve realized that it’s best to just avoid any company that takes VC because they will inevitably fuck everyone over.
The only one I’ve heard of working really well was 3D printing copyrighted material that is usually way overpriced. Board game pieces, figurines, etc.
What would an IPFS solution look like here? That’s a genuine question. I don’t have much experience with IPFS. It seems like it isn’t really used outside of blockchain applications.
They grew there
Somebody actually did make this as a joke years ago haha
Thanks for reading and pointing out that typo! (I fixed it)
The price seems ok. There’s more to consider than price though. Do people dislike them because of the quality of their work?
You forgot to mention the Roman Empire
Err… no it doesn’t. There are so many bug reports of neither HDR nor VRR working properly with the steam deck. My deck won’t even dock properly with my TV after recent updates.
It’s better than most other linuxes in the sense that it works sometimes I guess.
They’ll be right eventually.
You’re certainly not the only software developer worried about this. Many people across many fields are losing sleep thinking that machine learning is coming for their jobs. Realistically automation is going to eliminate the need for a ton of labor in the coming decades and software is included in that.
However, I am quite skeptical that neural nets are going to be reading and writing meaningful code at large scales in the near future. If they did we would have much bigger fish to fry because that’s the type of thing that could very well lead to the singularity.
I think you should spend more time using AI programming tools. That would let you see how primitive they really are in their current state and learn how to leverage them for yourself. It’s reasonable to be concerned that employees will need to use these tools in the near future. That’s because these are new, useful tools and software developers are generally expected to use all tooling that improves their productivity.
No… that’s the decision of company who doesn’t want to invest in a new platform. They’d rather disable the app than support the users there.
That’s my point. If they believe the hardware will be successful they would want to release apps for it that give them the ability to capture and retain customers. As it stands Apple headset users can only really consume Apple content. So it’s much more likely they just don’t believe in the product not that they’re scared.
Your argument doesn’t make any sense. Spotify isn’t going to produce an AR headset and really doubt Netflix will either. It makes more sense for them to release apps for the device if they think it’s going to be successful.
Uh what? In what way would Spotify and Netflix be scared of this disruption?
Altering your perception of reality doesn’t need to be centered around escaping challenges.
The easiest way to explain divide by zero is to think of division as repeated subtraction. For a simple example of 4 / 2 we know that we would have to subtract 2 from 4 twice to reduce it to 0.
When we divide by zero we’re functionally asking how many times can we remove zero from the numerator until it is reduced to zero. We typically state the answer as infinity or NaN because we know that we could do this operation indefinitely without the numerator reducing to 0.
There are outliers but it’s the simple truth. Consistent exercise makes the vast majority of people feel better in almost every way. Humans aren’t built for a sedentary lifestyle.
If you’re hating exercise you should reevaluate your approach. There are tons of ways to make it fun.
If you’re getting chronic pain after exercise you should reevaluate your approach. It’s easy to injure yourself if you’re doing it wrong.