“Your honor the suspect had blood on his hands when we found him. Well you’re 10% blood so what’s your point?”
“Your honor the suspect had blood on his hands when we found him. Well you’re 10% blood so what’s your point?”
You’re missing the point. The issue with Fahrenheit is not about the conversion from Celsius, most Europeans don’t need to do that anyway. The problem is Fahrenheit in itself, it’s just not elegant or scientific and therefore comes off as arbitrary and only makes sense when you grow up with it.
Haha, I get it, it’s totally fine!
I don’t think it’s funny, because the joke is illogical. If he is a teacher in a University, and it looks like it, that it is his job to mansplain.
So close. You seem to have Sheldon levels of understanding sarcasm.
It’s just a simple joke about the term being misapplied to an everyday setting.
Yeah but does the one on the left fit a rack server? I think not!
Yeah, basically ecstacy is MDMA plus fillers. The former is in pill form, the latter generally as crystals.
Oh right, so you were talking about the content, that’s not what I understood under “frontend”. Thanks for clearing it up.
I don’t have any experience with the platform, so I’m not in a position to judge their decisions, but it’s always tricky when you present yourself as censor free. There’s things you obviously don’t want on your service, but if it falls within the legal realm, it is no longer a matter of “will we block Nazi material” but whether from that point onward you start taking a moral and political stance.
Things get incredibly tricky and cumbersome if you choose that route, not just from an administrative perspective but also technically. I can understand why the people who operate the platform would prefer to primarily use legality as a deciding factor, as not every ideological issue that you open yourself up to if you take the other route is as straightforward as fascism.
Guys, just because the backbone of your site is decentralized doesn’t mean your centralized frontend can’t be modified by you.
I don’t understand what you’re saying here. Did you mean can be modified? Or what does this have to do with Nazi rhetoric? Maybe you have a different idea about the word “frontend”?
“There is no hard evidence linking Bin Laden to the attacks of 9/11”. -FBI
Of course, there is no evidence for KSM’s involvement either. He was tortured more than 100 times over the course of a month. The 9/11 commission had no access to him, not even his “interview” transcripts. Everything we know is from the mouths of the CIA agents who interrogated him, who admitted that he was completely unreliable.
I mean that you’re probably confusing Delta 8 and 9. Delta 9 is the main cannabinoid in regular cannabis, it’s just regular THC.
Just to be clear “Delta 9 THC” is the “real thing”.
Delta 8 is also real but a minor cannabinoid with a milder effect.
At least these idiots agree with you. Water freezes at 30% hot!
“The 100 is hot” idea is not only completely arbitrary and human centric, but also a vague personal perception. And I’m trying to be nice because it’s actually egocentric buffoonery that stems from the idea that everything revolves around us, whereas the metric scale puts people inside a measurable scientific interconnected system instead of our feelings being the center.
We as people can perceive imperial temperatures a lot better than metric.
This is entirely the result of what you’re used to and has nothing to do with the system itself.
Yep, also Oreos are overrated!
People who separate anything they eat are heathens. The proper way is to stuff bits of everything on your plate in your mouth at once for the correct taste and texture sensory overload.
Crap I’ll never be able to slide that into a casual conversation.
That’s like blaming Jews during world war 2 for putting up resistance against their fascist rulers. It is such a mischaracterization of the situation that it is damaging to the Palestinian people.
Of course, but if you cut funds to your social healthcare system towards drug prevention and then point to drug decriminalization as the cause of a worsening situation, you’re not being truthful. That’s why I mentioned the logical fallacy.
It’s easy to fall in the post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy though. The article goes on insinuating cause and effect, and tucks away the most likely reason at the end of the article, cutting funds of drug prevention to a quarter of what it was.
I’m pretty sure they’re saying the same thing.
Not in my opinion, because the underlying implication is that a mere change in the legality of a substance would lead to a major rise in its use that we need to counter with an improvement of social care. I’m of the opinion that we would be in a far better situation if we had never intercepted a single gram of any illegal substance or put a single person behind bars for their drug use. Of course we need better social care, but a reduction of repressive approaches to counter the drug issues alone would improve the situation and we don’t need to wait for “socialism” to take off in the US.
Fewer mistakes might be a side-effect, but the real reason why this will be welcomed by the military and our dear leaders is because they don’t have to stir up the public emotionally so that we give up our sons and daughters. It will further reduce our opposition to war because “the only people dying are the bad ones”. I can’t wait to read how the next model will reduce the false positive rate with another percentage point. Of course, I think it requires little imagination or intellect to figure out what the net result will be when the most noteworthy information we get from a war is the changelog from its soldiers, who have zero emotional response to taking a life.
Just like tasers were introduced to reduce gun incidents and are now often used as a form of cattle prod, they will function creep the shit out of this, and our adaptation to the idea of robots doing the killing will be over before we’ve perfected the technology.
It was unavoidable though, someone always has to have the biggest gun. It’s not our technological advancement that has to adapt to our mentality, we have to adapt to technological advancement. Perhaps the nuclear bomb was simply not frightening enough to change our ways.