You’re not wrong. The whole system is governed by fear. It is the operating principle by which this world operates.
Anyone that says “I’m just doing my job” living their life based on fear, and not reason. All it does is give the psychopaths running everything more power.
We need to stop being afraid. Believe it or not, it is a choice. You can wake up every morning happy, and at total peace. No matter what is happening in your life. Mind over matter, as they say.
I’m not worried about this at all. I don’t use Chrome anyways. I use Brave. It has a built-in ad blocker that works pretty well and I don’t see that going away.
OLDEST candidate, rofl!
Age doesn’t matter. Mental cognition does.
Convicted criminal
Yeah, by the deep state using the rigged courts.
Worst deficit
Yeah, maybe. But he freed up the economy by approving a record number of drilling contracts, and basically telling the world “America is open for business.” Had this modus operandi continued, we could have even prospered our way out of the negative consequences of the spending.
Twice impeached
Again, by the deep state using the radicals in congress. Crazy people hate you? What an accolade that is.
Hated by most Americans
Let’s see, Obama got 69M votes in 2008. Trump got 74M votes in 2020. Saying “most hated” really misses the point here.
Lost the popular vote
On paper…
Supreme Court weakens federal regulators
Thank goodness!
What’s wrong with Trump, again? Cheap groceries? Cheap gas? How terrible!
Don’t care. I use Brave.
Imagine denying other living and breathing lifeforms agency to thrive and change lol lol lol
Like abortion? Thank goodness we repealed Roe Vs Wade
IDK. Some cringe-lord wants free stuff and wants your taxes to pay for it. Something about cancer.
Jokes on you I play Hyperbolica.
Ever since Roku deplatformed Alex Jones I knew they were unprincipled and no good. Glad I left and never looked back.
This meme format is awesome. kekw
We elected a bunch of lawyers to run our country. No surprise then that everything is based around liability and “safety”
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Sage advice, brother. Clearly they’re going to release another bio-weapon, crash the world economy, and trigger riots throughout the country. While all this is going on, nuclear war will start in the middle east, and from there spread all over the world. China and Russia will team up and try to take over a weakened United States.
Things are about to get real, for sure, but hiding only works very short term. I think the only way forward, after the initial attacks, is to link up with other like-minded people that share your values, and care for one another more than themselves. Even Mark Zuckerberg with his $100M bunker in Hawaii (with a submarine escape hatch) won’t stand a chance. It’s all delusion to think we’re going to survive what’s coming on material preparation alone.
You’re totally right though. We need to get out of the cities (they’re going to be death traps) and get as much storable food as you can.
Believe the true conspiracies. Disbelieve the false ones.
No one really knows the whole story. But there are factors that lean into the side of conspiracy. Several redundant systems would need to have coincidentally failed in order for the ship to steer and stay off-course the way it did. All this in the backdrop of food plants blowing up, the Biden administration blowing up Nordstream, it’s not hard to be skeptical in such times.
As other comments have said. Never buy anything from HP.
Get a Brother printer.
No wonder we won the war. Did the british have atvs?