Flipping them on their backs is the safest way but it’s very frightening for them and typically non consensual. I find that taking them on a date or two first usually reduces the chances of a lost limb without resorting to sexual assault
Flipping them on their backs is the safest way but it’s very frightening for them and typically non consensual. I find that taking them on a date or two first usually reduces the chances of a lost limb without resorting to sexual assault
Here’s some education for you
Ok mandarin then. Would you it is not useful to understand the majority language of the country in which you live. That it is not good for the country itself to be more cohesive?
“nearly a million tibetan children live in state-run residential schools” - so like every else in the world where public school is normal?
“highly politized curriculum” = teaches about the society they currently live in
“Strip them of their mother tongue” = teach them Chinese because they live in china
“Replace their tibetan identity with a Chinese one” = assimilate them into the culture of the country they are apart of. This complaint is fair and I’d criticize any country that actively suppresses a native culture but the language used here is quite dramatic and misleading.
Welcome to the cool kids club 😎
Idk how it handles metadata but look into spotube
Nestle is my only major boycott but also technically Hasbro. Still play DND but I’m moving to pathfinder soon. Hasbro doesn’t get a dime tho
I am high but I don’t like funyuns or meatloaf
There’s different terminals??? I just use whatever one comes default. What are the differences?
I fucking love birds fuck yeah
You should check out the Magnus archives
What happened with this newspaper raid anyway? Why was it conducted? I’m ootl
That’s because the Constitution was made way before this was a problem lmao
The Magnus archives
I want to watch less YouTube so I leave recommendations off
It is a sad day
What’s void?
Can’t wait for feasible open source mobile operating systems