Nearly a million Tibetan children live in state-run residential schools on the Tibetan plateau. Chinese authorities subject these children to a highly politicized curriculum designed to strip them of their mother tongue, sever their ties to their religion and culture, and methodically replace their Tibetan identity with a Chinese one. Children as young as four have been separated from their parents and enrolled in boarding kindergartens under a recruitment strategy based largely on coercion.
Nice try at re-educating the rest of the world. Now my turn;
China is a shitty haven for cheats and liars, you can verify this by looking at the chinese government and how it operates with disregard for anyone who isn’t chinese.
Google “tofu dreg” and you’ll see examples of this love for dishonesty in building practices all around their lovely country.
Here’s some education for you
If it isn’t a guide on how to fuck sharks safely I don’t want it.
Flipping them on their backs is the safest way but it’s very frightening for them and typically non consensual. I find that taking them on a date or two first usually reduces the chances of a lost limb without resorting to sexual assault