Had to reset the clock on my stove, microwave, coffee maker, and cars.
It’s no where near obsolete as you seem to imply.
Had to reset the clock on my stove, microwave, coffee maker, and cars.
It’s no where near obsolete as you seem to imply.
According to NPR :
“You could not pay me to marry outside of my ethnicity,” the account wrote in September. “Normalize Indian hate,” a separate post from that month read.
In July of last year, the account posted: “Just for the record, I was racist before it was cool.”
In other posts, from December, the account pushed for repealing the Civil Rights Act and shared: “I just want a eugenic immigration policy, is that too much to ask.”
They voted for the candidate he bought though
Rule of Law is being replaced by Rule of Power
I’m happy she made a stand, and its being talked about. I, like you, doubt anything will really come of it, but it does highlight the change.
Not sure if this is anything or not.
You pasted the httpd-ssl.conf file.
The script output is referencing httpd.conf
I think it’s sending the challenge request via port 80 and that might be where you’re looking in the wrong place.
I don’t think anyone was saying they could do no wrong, they were just saying if you think America’s support for Isreal was bad under the Democrates, just wait and see how much worse it’ll be under Trump. Basically anywhere an non-maga someone was critical of how the democrats were doing things, the GOP’s plans were further removed from what those particular people wanted.
So yeah, seems like they voted wrong in that case.
No, its a consequence of increased security and the inconvenience of have to sign out and create a new account when reselling the phone was an acceptable compromise, rather than an intended ‘bonus’ side effect. A lot of times companies do do that, but this wasn’t one off them.
This was your friend’s fault, and yours to trade cash before understanding how the system worked.
A single key is also a loss risk if you take anything out of a pocket. I’m always nervous about a single key. And then there’s the ‘where did that go’ when you change without emptying the pockets because its so small you forget its there.
If someone doesn’t like how I look, oh well, that’s life. Seems this is a lesson most people learn in grade school - some people aren’t going to like you, you’re not going to like some people.
You’re not entirely wrong, but you’re also totally missing the fact that people are 100% judged by stature and not just in attractiveness, but in their value period.
The taller you are, the higher salary people will assume you already are making. During hiring, this means you’ll be offered a higher starting salary to try and make the offer more appealing to you.
Here’s an article that references the study I’m thinking of. https://merryformoney.com/height-salary/ If you care ,you can maybe dig up the original study somehow.
This sort of bias is pretty inescapable in our culture and will be I think regardless of our language. Preferred body shapes do change over time, even within the span of a single generation. Maybe tying more positive words around these words is part of that change.
This seems like a poor analogy.
“I don’t have experience with the ‘Megamart Pool TM’ brand of pools, but I’ve got my Lifeguard certificate through a training program that operated at a nearby lake.” Oh sorry, we want our applicants to be familiar with our specific pool with 50+ hours of paid visits logged. Please come back next year after you’ve gather this.
It doesn’t have to all be bad. If the city could get the head out of their ass, they could sort out the codes and get it done. Let people who work downtown live downtown. Shrink the driving and parking infrastructure, turn it into a walkable, bikeable area.
Rents/leases could go way down for the mom and pop shops that can survive in the new design.
Other businesses can move further out where the people are, so the suburbs can become more walkable.
If we made the focus on reducing waste, and making things easy for everyone, rather than how to make rich people richer, theres lots of solutions.
It does add context though.
If I just said “it adds context”, it’s not seen as a counterclaim to your claim. It’s just a new standalone statement.
Huh. That does sound pretty damn useful.
Id never even heard of it in Canada.