Because, believe it or not, we can tell each other apart and we know when someone is not Mexican….
Because, believe it or not, we can tell each other apart and we know when someone is not Mexican….
Bill Gates? Mark Cuban? (Although I can’t remember if he is a billionaire or not)
Ah…. Ok…. Thank u!!!
What’s wrong with that guy’s leg???
True…. But I won’t have the Panama Canal math to back me up lol
Oh man!!! I was Soooo ready to tell ppl I was 22 lol
I think my math is not matching or having a stroke…… isn’t 48 years since 1977??? If not then I will start telling people I’m only 22 lol
I’m not young at all and I say…. Eat the rich… lol
Begs??? Wasn’t he the one that said: “Fuck yourselves” to advertisers??? I thought he didn’t need them… lol
I feel so lost…. What’s going on???
I feel the same way. Also, fuck spez. Lol
I hate one that keeps popping out on my suggestions, which is this chick, buying cheap dresses from pinterest and showing them on her channel, but what really grinds my gears, is that she buys shit that is obviously, too fucking small for her size, and the type of dresses, are not meant for her body type… and its a never ending thing…