I don’t have the ppm memorized, but it was like tenth percentile
I don’t have the ppm memorized, but it was like tenth percentile
Reads like a shibboleth to me
Fluoridated water just isn’t an option for me but I can ask my dentist about options beyond fluoridated toothpaste and mouthwash.
Modern Wisdom
I’m Perd Hapley, and this, is a thing I’m saying.
In that case always remember I love and support you. Shoot the other guy not me :)
I see insufficient evidence that you are in fact the harbinger of death and destruction by your mere presence
According to South Park - Jared Has Aides, it’s 22.3 years.
You’re fine
I would think so. I use fluoridated toothpaste, and another commenter recommended fluoridated mouthwash.
Seems like the answer is yes and I’ll be discussing it with my dentist.
Yeah, the money isn’t a thing for me. My houses are in parts of NY that just don’t have municipal wells, so there’s no reason to feel one way or the other about it. It just is what it is.
Makes sense. Even if its a thing I’d probably not keep up on it. My house filters have gotten embarrassingly full in my time
How long did you take fluoride pills, as an adult or only as a child?
This is definitely a thing. I mentioned no cavities, but I have had some “slight decalcification we might want to address before it gets worse” that then got better on their own.
Thanks. The fluoride in the water itself is not directly relevant because I just don’t have it, but good evidence to raise the topic with my dentist as an adult. I definitely use fluoridated toothpaste.
Yeah, I think that’s why my dentist gave me fluoride treatments as a child. Have you gotten any as an adult?
Thanks! I’ll talk to my dentist about it at my next appointment.
Yeah, it seems like complaining about government provided WiFi.
“What if I don’t WANT my kids on the internet dangit!?”
Sorry, you misunderstand. I don’t rely on a municipal well, and adding fluoride to private wells isn’t a thing AFAIK.
That’s why as a child I had fluoride treatments. It would have been easier to just get it in the water, but tradeoffs. My kids get them too.
I was wondering about the fluoride treatments being child only or whether there were adult benefits.
Every time except one