I tried to find the video on PeerTube, from the end users perspective I think we should encourage others to choose community over corporate and use platforms like PeerTube to post these videos instead of YouTube (Alphabet).
I tried to find the video on PeerTube, from the end users perspective I think we should encourage others to choose community over corporate and use platforms like PeerTube to post these videos instead of YouTube (Alphabet).
I think the automotive analogy is relevant, some think using technology means they understand it. I’m a pretty good driver, but it would be unwise to ask me to repair your car’s transmission. My grandmother spends more time on her computer glued to Facebook than I spend using my computer on a given day, but I’m not asking her to build my next gaming rig.
It’s easier to build a PC in 2023 than it was in 1993. Modern motherboard’s typically don’t require separate cards for sound, network and video (unless you’re gaming). It’s mostly integrated now and you don’t need hours manually manipulating jumpers and trying to affix terribly designed IDE cables now replaced with SATA. I’d much rather work on repairing my modern PC vs trying to troubleshoot a Compaq 486 20+ years ago.
I highly recommend Howard Zinn’s book “A People’s History of the United States” to gain a better understanding of how and why such deplorable things took place in the US.
In the 1990s if you wanted to play a PC game you had install it manually with a CD, typically configure ini files in a text editor and fix irq requests for your peripherals just to play. In the contemporary world a zoomer only needs to tap the install icon on the screen, Gen Z may have more experience usually technology than any previous generation, but the days of asking grandma to fix your computer seem a certainty on the horizon.
A dispassionate authority is more effective at protecting local communities from predators, but at what price? Unfortunately that dispassionate authority also has little compassion for the poor and marginalized people it rules and even less accountability to them. I’m also more afraid of the Orwellian police state being proliferated by the marriage of federal law enforcement and multinational corporations than criminals in my neighborhood. Those people breaking the law in my neighborhood probably need better access to mental healthcare instead of long sentences in federal prisons handed down by said dispassionate authority.
I don’t like how any of these big tech companies try and force us to use their spyware vs letting people make an informed choice. I don’t agree with the technique, but the silver lining may be that we desperately need competition with browsers and the reality is that this is how US predatory capitalism works now. Companies take advantage of people because we have no proper regulation in the tech space. Maybe some people will switch to from Chrome to Edge (reskinned Chrome) Ranking for privacy on a 1-10 scale imho
Chrome 0 Edge 1 Firefox 5 Brave 6 LibreWolf 9
Another Linux tablet is definitely good news. I like Purism’s stated values and their laptops are very solid, the Librem phone was a disappointment for me personally though.
Same playbook used throughout history, we need to make you safer by taking away your right to privacy and access to communities you identify with. Without the LGBTQ+ community center in my hometown I doubt I would have survived young adulthood. That was a physical space funded by a non-profit, now that so much of our access to community is online the authoritarians from both parties in the US can just remove communities they don’t like assisted by legislation like this.
With all do respect friend, I’m assuming most of us here that really care about privacy ditched Gmail very early in our privacy journey. I think virtually every policy Google enforces, including phone validation has some element of data collection in mind. We can debate whether providing the phone number is an information grab or a security measure, but I’m fairly certain it’s both to some degree. If one cares enough about privacy to post in this community please start looking for a privacy respecting email provider, then start abandoning Google services like the plague at a pace you can tolerate. Don’t move too fast on your journey, the inconvenience is rough, but liberating your digital life is priceless one step at a time.
Services provided by for profit corporations are almost never truly free. It usually means “free” in exchange for access to your user data or “free” if you watch these advertisements. That’s not free, it’s an exchange of your data that’s valuable for resell to a company or your time to watch their ads.
Stripe is one of the largest payment providers on the Internet, they recommend hCaptcha, not Alphabet’s reCAPTCHA in their docs, so it’s obviously a choice. Please don’t proclaim to be “Extremely concerned” with customer privacy and choose a service provided by a data harvesting advertising company to save money when a privacy preserving option is available.
Michael, thank you for responding, but Google’s reCAPTCHA isn’t only required for payment on your site, it’s required just to send a message for customer service or to contact sales as I have done both recently. There are plenty of payment provider’s that to not mandate Google services. Personally I enjoy a lot of Google services when I choose to use them, but being mandated to use Google, as my child is forced to do attending school makes me wonder we companies like System 76 perpetuate this trend of the government and private industry forcing people to use services instead of letting consumers make the choice themselves in the so-called “free market.”
I really want to love my PineTab 2 and I’m hoping for kernel updates to unlock more hardware potential. The Wi-Fi doesn’t work at all in my experience and the touchscreen feels very cheap (usually must tap my finger several times before it registers the touch).
Which Gen X1 did you get? I’ve been looking at those, but I am not sure which Gen will have the best compatibility.
I’m pretty lame and just run USSEP, Cutting Room Floor, SMIM, Immersive Citizens, Alt Start, Rich Merchants, etc… When I try to go nuts with Mods I spend all my time modding and never actually get into the game. I wish I could find some community advice on minimal mods. When I “used to” look on the skyrimmods reddit most ppl seemed more interested in how many mods they could get, like quantity over quality.
Skyrim, grab a few new mods and the game is practically new to be again!
Fairphone 4 with eOS, escaping Google and Apple’s duopoly is quite liberating and not as hard as I thought it would be. Yeah, eOS is technically Android, but deGoogled.