jellyfin means you can skip plex, its the same thing. let me see if i can anger some fellow olds. jellyfin is the opensource community giving plex the middle finger it deserves. plex having forked from xbmc an eon ago to be the mac version of xbmc, but then it became a company. i paid for a lifetime plex membership like 10 yrs ago, so i’ve just been lazy about switching.
i don’t see violance as a first option but i’m not a pacifist, sometimes its going to be the only option. i don’t think dropping a random ceo or two is anything more than revolution larping though. this kind of thing is more likely to just make insurnace campuses a target for ramdom shooting in the same way american schools are. a bunch of people just trying to make a living in an economic enviroment where picking your employer is a privilage, will get get unalived along with maybe a low level exec who has little actual power. and we’ll see a whole lot of stories about why we should love insurnace companies. i’m not mourning this fucker or feeling sympathy for his family, but it’s not a long term plan for improving anyones life. we find ourselves with a fewer billionaire media tycoons and i’ll be less sceptical of people suggesting this practice.