Appears to be the 50501 protest thing 50 protests, 50 states, one day. It’s a coordinated peaceful protest at each state capital against project 2025.
We are Hive. We are Legion. And you are One of Us. The crier of “Sheeple,” harbinger of individualism.
You, too, are Legion.
I am only a humble instrument of The Community; I bring only what must be said, and it would have been said without me. We are inevitable.
You’re allowed to say pussy
Fair take. I just always considered Twitter a shithole to begin with. I don’t give him the honor of renaming it because he thinks his kids shouldn’t get the same rights as a software package in that regard.
It’s Twitter. The man deadnames his own daughter; I’m sure as hell gonna deadname his social cesspool.
The drone manufacturer. There’s serial numbers and whatnot on all those parts.
Are any of these about right? I’m just beginner in Swedish (native English) but they seem pretty close.
Just starting to brown / sparse brown specks is absolutely perfect. Not too soft that they become slimy, but peak sweetness
:þ supremacy