NATO still trying to finish what the nazis started.
NATO still trying to finish what the nazis started.
Sure, diamat would say that in the age of super-imperialism that we’re now in, where the majority of surplus value comes from super-exploited global-south proletarians, demands that one or a group of countries must use violence to enforce that order, and keep the exploited countries weak and poor.
Capitalism’s current enforcer is the US, with its military might, dollar hegemony, and media monopoly. That is why the US has so many external military bases. They don’t have them because they’re fun to build.
The majority of the world (notably the vast majority of Muslim countries, who would be burdened with a refugee crisis if there were an actual genocide) doesn’t think China is killing Uyghurs. Only the imperial core countries, that have been bombing Muslims for decades think that:
Here’s the people telling you that China is killing Muslims:
The US has > 800 external military bases. Every other country combined has < 20. Which one is credible?
You’re saying that like Russia and China don’t have slave labor camps and haven’t been bombing Africans and Muslims for decades.
Where on earth are you getting this?? China hasn’t been involved in an external conflict since the 60s!
Internal documents from the Kunes county justice system from 2017 and 2018, provided to the BBC by Adrian Zenz, a leading expert on China’s policies in Xinjiang, detail planning and spending for “transformation through education” of “key groups” - a common euphemism in China for the indoctrination of the Uighurs. In one Kunes document, the “education” process is described as “washing brains, cleansing hearts, strengthening righteousness and eliminating evil”.
These have been debunked over and over again, so much so that reddit isn’t even buying it anymore. Their source(s) are Zenz, an anti-semitic, anti-abortion, far-right christian fundamentalist, who doesn’t speak mandarin, and works for the US state department.
Also, the BBC isn’t much more than a tabloid at this point:
The US currently runs a system of slave labor camps, has been bombing Muslims and Africans for decades, and Europe has been doing the same for hundreds of years. Are these trustworthy sources of information to tell you about their enemies?
Western supremacy and defense of colonialism is the cornerstone of liberalism, so they will, just like all the liberals did during the US war on Iraq, vietnam, and every other war.