I don’t think there was any grand Machiavellian scheme. Trump just capitalized on historic democrat incompetence to make himself look good.
I don’t think there was any grand Machiavellian scheme. Trump just capitalized on historic democrat incompetence to make himself look good.
I, for one, don’t think he did it.
thicc af
First they came for the Palestinians, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Palestinian.
So we’re going to stop supplying Israel with weapons, money, and international cover, right? RIGHT?
Biden, Blinken, Kirby, and other state dept. ghouls are probably ‘very concerned’ and no doubt calling for independent investigation. Of course, they will never follow up on it, they will never pressure Israel, and said investigation will never materialize.
Check out this video of Michael Brooks succinctly explaining Israel/Palestine even before Oct 7.
Fun Fact: A person who hails from Chad is a Chadian.
You wouldn’t know the players, they go to a different school.
Hmm, I seem to recall US Intelligence swearing that Saddam Hussein definitely had WMDs and was definitely about to use them on his own people and we definitely needed to invade Iraq to stop him. US Intelligence is not a fact or truth seeking operation; its purpose is to further American imperial interests all else be damned.
I custom designed and 3D-printed a prop from an anime I like.
This is a really cool question OP. Do you have anything you want to share?
So more kids are shot where there are more lax gun laws; who could have ever foreseen that?
Please explain how Trump managed to implement this ban with a democrat controlled senate and Joe Biden as president.