Trans woman | She/her | From Atlanta. 20+ years experience machining. I like to make video edits based on Star Trek, with the occasional meme.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 26th, 2023


  • I’m going to be sincere here. If you are regularly tired, lacking sleep, or have the “Leave me alone until I’ve had coffee” archetype; look for work at a different shift. Seriously. I was completely miserable at my java web dev job right out of college circa 2001. After a couple of years, I believed that I could not do my hobby as a job because I was completely miserable. Time passes with shitty dev jobs until 2003, I somehow got an apprenticeship doing machining. It was 2nd shift exclusively. It revolutionized me as a person. I’m 2nd shift, through and through. I guess that my point here is that if your eyes don’t naturally open really early, there are options and you should listen to your body.

  • This lets me know that you have never experienced a long term shot gun owner. Shotguns do not explicitly fire only shot or slugs. They never have. It is actually quite easy to tailor shells to a target. Someone with fishing line, a soldering iron, and a box of cheap pellets can make a net that will take out all commercial drones (or any of the 4 propeller style). And on top of that, there are widely available (albeit expensive) commercially available anti-drone shells. If you look in all of the footage of Russians being killed via drone, they all have a rifle with some kind of optic. These are very, very bad at shooting an agile flying target. Every hunter on the entire planet can tell you that. You know what’s great at that? A shotgun with the appropriate gauge and shell. Look, it isn’t that hard to hunt birds at over 50 yards (that’s 150’ as you so inaccurately put things in the range estimate) with a solid appropriate turkey gun. You have displayed a large amount of ignorance here.