Wouldn’t the use of the silencer, negate the terrorism charge?
He didn’t want to wake people up
Last Action Hero, 1993
movie villain sees man killed on the streets of New York in the real world
shouting “This man has been murdered!”
Random NewYorker: “Shut the hell up!”
Does that mean I can’t be charged if I use a silence in a non-violent crime?
I just want to keep my notes clear.
No. 18 USC 924 also covers non violent offenses but the punishments for those are less.
I’m just trying to figure out a non-violent federal offence with a silencer.
Smoking weed out of it?
Destruction of property across state lines.
Like breaking a window with a silencer?
If it is attached to a gun that you use to break a window, yeah it counts. I guess you could theoretically throw it through a window across state lines, though which is kinda hilarious.
Come to think of it, there’s a world of possibilities.
If you diced an onion with a silencer and then dried the onions and then sold them as onion rings without saying that the onion rings were made from dried diced onions, that would definitely be breaking a federal law with a silencer in a non-violent way.
You could also use the silencer to illegally open a gate and allow a horse to eat grass at the small bit of lawn surrounding the booth where you pay to enter a national park.
He’s a hero.
Seems like a null case to me.