First thing I ever do with a new computer is delete it.
First thing I ever do with a new computer is delete it.
Lol I loved that. And I’ve seen mods for MCC that let you do multiplayer somehow but never got it working myself lol
How do you play 3 player campaign on one PC? Doesn’t the MCC prevent that? Or did they patch it out?
Lol she has entrapped you. She likes it and wants you to rub her belly so she can bunny kick your hands
Ah, yes, Thag Simmons… He discovered the thagomizer at his own peril…
I mean… Do any teens think older generations are cool? I didn’t think that was a thing.
Way, hey, blow the man down!
You’ve got to tick the other games you want in the dlc page after going to the game’s properties in steam.
You can do that now to add the ones you want to play. For some reason if you just click download without selecting any other dlc, it just installs Reach.
At a certain point, we’re back to philosophy. Do you really want to build in a back door in the first place? What is the trade off between privacy and security and potential use by any enforcement agency in apprehending who they consider to be bad actors? How much of the resources of those agencies are actually allocated to taking down real threats to actual people vs protecting moneyed interest?
Source? For science.
You may want some commas or another space added, friend. They show up as a single uninterrupted line for me and I’m assuming others
What an adorable little floof.
Not anymore, though. Use a different search engine if you want any results worth looking at.
Not just you. Lots of negative feeling going around. If I could put a word to what I saw today, it would be “grim”.
One likes to nestle in the crook of my leg, behind my “knee-bow” as it were. She is definitely our guard cat and is always in very close proximity to me or my girlfriend at all times.
The other is always next to my pillow when he decides to rest with us lol he does his rounds every night and then come back to cuddle.
They really deserve the best life can give lol and they certainly know how to keep comfy.
Fucking weirdos.