That’s why bandcamp is one of the few places I’ll willingly spend money on digital media. DRM-free downloading in flac format? Yes please.
That’s why bandcamp is one of the few places I’ll willingly spend money on digital media. DRM-free downloading in flac format? Yes please.
AdGuard Home, it’s a DNS level ad blocker similar to PiHole
Had a very similar experience at the end of last year. Was sick of the bullshit all the providers were pulling and set up jellyfin.
Now running that on a pi so we’ve got our own streaming platform with movies and shows that you’d either need at least three separate services for or just outright won’t find if you don’t pirate.
ConSumo is an amazing minigame in Bully. It’s the standard “eat thing to get bigger” type game but it’s just done really well.
Netflix and Disney+ are the only two left. I used to also have Amazon Prime and Spotify but I was able to cut out Prime early last year and just within the last few weeks I cut out Spotify after using it continuously since 2009.
I’m trying to de-stream my media, and I would very much like to own the actual files legitimately instead but I think everything is so reliant on streaming these days it can be really difficult to buy DRM-free movies or TV shows. For music I get it from Bandcamp, so I am very appreciative of that. What can’t be acquired legitimately… cough
Britain doesn’t use commas for decimal points, that’s a mainland European thing.