Anyone know who this is?
Anyone know who this is?
A well timed fart would have been hilarious
Which bird does this?
Too bad it would never happen on the history channel, it involves history.
I don’t know about that. Way too many of those idiots down here. I hope you are right though.
I was replying to the comment about the civil war starting.
I doubt anything happens.
You gotta be pretty dumb to go to one of these, let alone wait for 3 hours. The Democrats would do the same thing, and it somehow be 3rd party voters fault and the Republicans will blame Obama.
Bro ruining a perfectly good pair of Asics for nothing.
On NES I enjoyed the boss fights in :
Metroid, Kickle Cubicle (my #1 NES game), and Festers Quest
SNES :All of the MegaMan X games and Secret of Mana, Mario World
N64: Mario 64, Conkers Bad Fur Day,
As someone who has been to a few different prisons (past opiate addict) I have shit in all three scenarios with full stations.
I went to a gay bar with my gay friends from work last week. I had 5 compliments on my beard. It felt so good.
He will not feel any pressure to release his. He won’t do it. Everyone knows he won’t.
Looks fun. I cracked up when dude shot the deer thing and the blood exploded. I’ll definitely check this out.
Thank you