I suppose that clarifying it as ‘uncertified open source Android’ would be more appropriate.
I respectfully disagree. Ars Technica is not known for being a clickbait site. They are merely stating what platform(s) the malware runs on. It’s not an Android hit piece, and it’s not clickbait, it’s just a warning about buying cheap Chinese electronics that have access to your Wi-Fi.
It’s likely because you’ve hammered your dopamine receptors for so long, they can barely get a signal anymore.
I had a female friend/coworker that had previously served in the Navy, on a carrier as a communications specialist. She told stories of endless harassment. She said ultimately some of the women crafted partnerships with other female sailors and convinced everyone they were lesbians in order to just survive the job. It meant they had to spend lots of time together and play the part. She also said they had to work the jealousy angle because nobody wanted to be attacked by an angry lesbian girlfriend.
The male sailors assumed a lot of the women were lesbians because of the masculine nature of the work, or, as she put it, because they couldn’t believe the women weren’t attracted to them. It turned out if you gave them a plausible explanation you could fake your way through it. Without a plausible explanation, they could become resentful and dangerous. I asked if claiming to be married and/or have kids would work, she said it wasn’t as effective and you ultimately needed female allies anyway. She also said that actual lesbians would pretend to “date” hetero women in order to protect them. She kind of described it as leveraging the power of rumors.
I told her it sounded a lot like what happens in prison. She said in some ways, it was a prison.
If you really think about it, he has never looked away from the image of himself in the mirror.
There seems to be a long established pattern where Trump daydreams about irrefutable and overwhelming exoneration and then decides it should be true and tells everyone about it. Narcissists have a tendency to create shitstorms and then daydream about escapist fantasies to evade the consequences they always create for themselves.
I took this article specifically to mean, and that it was referring to, a new form of non-volatile solid state storage. Active memory is by definition, volatile. This article seems to be talking about non volatile RAM, fast enough to function as active RAM. This alone would redefine what a reboot is.
Kanye and Diddy are living proof that becoming a billionaire is destructive to your morality.