I once speculated to a friend about 15 years ago that eventually solid state storage space would be so fast that it could serve as active memory. I can’t wait to tell him.
I would appreciate confirmation that chip manufacturers understand humans do not typically require this
I rarely hibernate my laptop for more than 10 years
Yeah, only once in a decade or so.
Out of an average century of use I find mine hibernates only about %10 of the time.
When I die and my laptop gets put into a box and shoved in a dusty corner forgotten for generations I want my descendant to be able to open it in the year 3000 and see all the tabs I had open when I died.
Speak for yourself, fellow human. When I go into deep sleep mode, sometimes I forget to set auto wake routine and wake up years later.
Autonomous Ultra Instinct Ram
AutoNomous Ultra inStinct ram
It would have to be always active, checking for radiation induced flips, not just powered off.
I took this article specifically to mean, and that it was referring to, a new form of non-volatile solid state storage. Active memory is by definition, volatile. This article seems to be talking about non volatile RAM, fast enough to function as active RAM. This alone would redefine what a reboot is.
Now improve cooling architecture and remove the moving parts.
The article fails to mention the scale it can be produced at. How big and how expensive is a gig of this stuff?