Or if there are multiple holes in the walls shine a laser though the holes to get the butt plug trajectory.
Or if there are multiple holes in the walls shine a laser though the holes to get the butt plug trajectory.
Here here! stomps cane
Furry blankets. Great advances have been made in blanket technology in the past few years. Buy a couple synthetic microplush blankets that feel like rabbit fur and cocoon yourself in them. Always helps me. Even if that doesn’t work for you, have hope! There is the hope that blankets may be even softer in the future.
Also, have you tried mushrooms?
20 years ago I would go to a local bar that had free hot wings and usually some spinach cheese casserole on Fridays. Drinks were how they made money. But if you needed food, you could just drink water, you could eat free and they didn’t care. Whole place was dark and smelled like infinite cigarettes and burnt hot sauce. Good times…
Saw headline and spent next couple seconds replaying SG-1 in my head.
Wow, I did not know that. Thanks a bunch.
Same. I inform doctors that I am resistant to sedation. They nod, not believing me. I go under. I wake up 4 hours early, everyone goes insane. One time they failed to put me out right away. Fortunately they managed to put me out before they cut into me. My last memories before waking are hearing “oh shit, he’s awake”. Another time they used “an adult dose and a child dose” which… doesn’t sound right. But I remember waking with a half dozen people trying to rouse me.
I imagine it would be very loud
It really impressed me how he pardoned that corrupt judge on the way out. Just to prevent anyone from having positive memories of him.
I saw it a month or so ago and was floored how badly it aged. The entire plot is just kind of a monument to outdated gender stereotypes. They also made me HATE the wife and it irks me when movies create hollow scapegoat characters I’m supposed to just dislike.
Watching it was a reminder how fucking long ago the 90s were.
My mang, do you read?
That statistic sounds off. 1 in 100?
One is fat?
Means nothing to me. What is a turbolib? It’s difficult to understand much of anything when everyone has a different name for everyone else.
Awww, thanks for telling me, but… FUCK. I didn’t know any of that. I need a drink.
Camel Exotic Blend Cigarettes. Good times. cough COUGH ahhhh. Good times.
Oooo They are going to write such a strongly worded memo!
Can of Surströmming, pull tab, throw.
What, uhh, am I looking at here?
Maybe a bird… Wait a minute! Supposing two swallows carried it away together?