Up the bum corner. Viz
Up the bum corner. Viz
This is unfortunately the way of the world, the only difference between you and the others, is, that many people do not feel like charlatans, and believe their own bullshit.
I’ve been looking at getting a odroid h4 ultra as my next toy. It would suit you I think.
Is that chemotherapy hair, or does hair get curly on its own sometimes?
Regardless, it is well worth your time. Find the wormhole, steal alien tech, build a fleet, become invincible.
Perhaps not Foss, but definitely free (beer) , endless sky, available on steam
There are many occasions when speaking another language (yes American English is a different language to British English imo) where you just have to say, “that’s how it is, it doesn’t make sense, but there we go”. The English took the word from the french désorienté, which means to turn away from the orient.
Why can’t you self host? I have a wordpress site, and everything is fine, I use noIP for a domain name and IP tracking. Everything is running on a raspberry pi 4, with 7TB of USB storage. Loading up the photos can be a little slow when we post a big adventure day out, but if you’re patient, or have the means to put a more powerful machine on the job, it is the best way to share your lives with family. Wordpress has an option to ask the search engine crawler to not index the website, and it seems to work. When I post to the blog, I have an email subscription list for all my family, who want to be notified of a new post.
Garlic snot
France Inter Paris Fip
That’s a glol for me.
Obvious choice, but, Portal 1&2
Get enough sleep, is my first and most important strategy.
Monkey’s paw: it is a potion with an aoe 10’ radius, makes everyone violently ill.
You’ll never see above the clouds if you don’t put in the effort to climb the mountain. Be brave and risk getting hurt, it’s normal to be scared, but there’s no way to get the best out of life without making yourself vulnerable.
I only go back occasionally for a fap, and even my old favourite subreddits are just reposts of old content, it’s dead to me.
These days, Reddit is for fapping only.
Barry’s is a dammed good cuppa tea, but Yorkshire tea is the English equivalent. God speed, and all the best in your new life. Having just moved my family to the other side of France, I can empathise as to the effort and stress involved in such an endeavour.