I’m shocked it’s not more
I’m shocked it’s not more
Yeah no shit, who needs to be cancelled over one misplaced word. Not worth it.
Enough with this shit.
I’m just switching back to Firefox given all the bullshit that’s coming in Chrome. Hopefully others follow suit and that number starts climbing back up.
Fuck this fucking fucker
Hyposprays are finally here!!!
First Putin, now this fat fuck, Xi will be next…
Oh yeah, what are you gonna do, bomb Israel?
Like this fucker would understand science if it punched him in the face
There’s so much to unpack here, impressive.
Dude, they are gouging because they want you gone so they can have more tax breaks. Fuck then over already.
Free fucking childcare…
I love problems we can eat our way out of… if we almost wiped out the buffalo these little shits shouldn’t be an issue.
Yet another reason to avoid the middle east
See what happens when you don’t jail cunts that ignore congressional subpoenas?!?
Too fucking bad, I don’t feel comfortable with you existing.
so change that shitty constitution
So one of them has a half a brain cell