Be the content you want to see on Lemmy.
Musk isn’t hurt by the amount of money he’s fined, but it annoys him terribly that he can’t control the situation and that his usual tools for getting his way are useless. It is a pebble in his boot that he can’t bluster, cajole, or bribe his way out of the problem like usual.
As I understand it, here in Florida you can sell plasma and you can donate blood or platelets. Blood donation places are not allowed to pay you for donating, but they are allowed to give you gifts like a gift card or t-shirt. I donate frequently at OneBlood (I literally hit 20 gallons this past Saturday!) and them being hacked is sickening.
Buy a gun or two. Nothing in this country has more rights than a gun.
This shareholder says “Bye!” and I’ll buy more when the market is done panicking over his departure.
Depending on the opponent that’s all I need to hear.
Fuck votes. Let them buy their way out. Once a fair value for the property, infrastructure, and future revenue is determined that value becomes the baseline for negotiations and the auction can begin. Oregon loses some freeloaders, gains a windfall, and becomes even more blue.
If you’ve read “Six Days of War” then this will feel familiar. During that conflict Israel was worried that international outcry would require them to stop making territorial gains so they did all they could as fast as they could to lay claim before that bell rang.
I don’t usually want to open LinkedIn at all. I wonder if they paid MS for the shortcut?
When googling something, append -site:reddit.com
I keep telling myself “I want an x-box” and the news keeps telling me “no you fucking don’t”.
This is an easy test. If Reuters is lying, that means the Model 2 is still in development. Prove that Reuters is lying, Elon. you are uniquely positioned to be able to do that.
“There, we dealt with it. Can we pretend it didn’t happen and we’re the victims again? Surely further criticism of something we’ve resolved would be antisemitic.”
…and you are shit-canning someone else’s input because they don’t know everything based on your even more limited experience, suspect knowledge, and a heavily biased opinion of how you think the world should work. Lay out your superior knowledge or admit you’re just spewing a party line for the upvotes because it sure sounds like they know a hell of a lot more about the subject than you do.
I need someone to tell me why Musk won’t be a huge buyer of DWAC when it opens. How much of Truth Social would he need to get it merged with Twitter, which would get Trump back on the platform. Musk gets to help out the psycho conservative right and he gets to help himself.
Not sharing the driving behavior… for now. Any faucet that can be turned off can be turned on again.
I wonder how the GOP has any toes left after shooting themselves in the foot so often.
I need a firefox plugin that blocks Twitter. Not tweets from blue checkmarks, the whole damn site.
If you want to punish Musk in a meaningful way, then once the fine has been paid in full, the countdown can start. Once the same amount of time that elapsed between Twitter’s first noncompliance and the fine’s check cleared, then Twitter should be allowed back online. There will always be money to pay fines but they’ll never get the time back. Other companies will take note.