Hell yeah. What games did you pick up with it?
Hell yeah. What games did you pick up with it?
No, no, this sounds incredible!
Honestly, I think playing it with a friend might even bump it to 8/10. I had a blast with it despite the lack of innovation and repetitiveness of the gameplay
Slow down, live in the present, and enjoy who and what I already have in my life. That includes being more forgiving to myself and others, worrying less about all of the possible things I could be doing (personally and professionally) and instead choosing one thing at a time to focus my energy on, and being more aware of my own thoughts and feelings, then expressing them in a healthy way.
Maggie’s Farm by RAtM is also a great cover
I got this game around the time it came out and I remembered dropping it, but not why. Reading your post now makes me think Blockhead was the reason why haha. I should get back around to this and perhaps skip this fight
DOOM (2016). I originally got it when it came out, I wasn’t very patient then, but largely played multiplayer. I’ve been playing the campaign this time around and I’m enjoying it quite a bit.
!themusicman out here doing the Lord’s work. I would love an invite as well!
Hey, uh, could I not have my data stolen for FIVE FUCKING SECONDS?!
I’m bringing chilli
Atari 7800. I bought it from someone on craigslist about 3 years ago. The video was pretty fuzzy and audio wasn’t consistent, so I talked them down to a good price. I ended up modding it for composite video and audio, but I rarely play it. I didn’t grow up with an Atari, so I don’t have the nostalgia for the games, but I still think it’s pretty neat.
The Lelda of Zelda
I’ve been playing MP3 for the first time lately and I’m excited for this next entry! I’m glad to see they have seemingly introduced a new nemesis, as dark Samus was getting a little old IMO
Oddly enough I’ve had the most success selling things on craigslist in the past few years. When I list things on OfferUp I get some messages but everyone is super flaky. People are still flaky on craigslist but I almost always end up closing the sale there instead of OfferUp
I don’t think it’s so much a concern about violating the ToS as it is the consequences of violating it. Valve may be able to lock the account or close it if they have good reason to suspect the account has a new owner. An example of solid evidence of this may be changing the payment method for purchases, such that the name on a credit card doesn’t match the previous cardholder name on the steam account.
But if the new owner doesn’t plan on making new purchases on the account, it would probably be more difficult to confirm the account was transferred.
Most well regarded journals in STEM require a publishing fee. That is not the case for the humanities and I believe social sciences, which are always free.
Predictability in a chaotic system across various scales of time and space.
I like finding playlists that people on Spotify have made roughly around a particular band or genre. I find one and hit shuffle and see what happens. I’m talking an actual user made playlist, not the garbage Spotify “made for you” playlists. Those used to be solid until they started stuffing them with 90% songs I already listen to.
Sometimes playing the last song on an album that I like or one of my playlists gets some good stuff out of Spotify’s algorithm, but that is kind of hit or miss. It used to be quite a bit better.
Burning the midnight oil aye?