I don’t get why you’re all so mad at me for being right, I don’t get mad at you for always being wrong
100% idle wealth tax
America gets its inner space episode
Blind fold their eyes, give them a cigarette, and remember to compost
Firing squad is less disgusting
Seize the yachts, make them billionaire prison boats, national guard shoots anyone who leaves
40 years too late
Big geology? You mean Dominos pizza?
Mississippi is so poor, corrupt and backwards it makes Alabama look progressive. The entire state should be ran by the federal government until it gets up to first world standards.
Fuck Disney, we should put a sledgehammer through Walt’s frozen brain
Yeah like if the media and Hillary didn’t conspire to created a pied piper candidate that is unraveling our social contract by the day
They missed out on 2007’s improv everywhere and just wanted to be apart of something
Billionaires are the real welfare queens
I’d subscribe if there were anything worth watching. Occupational reality shows on every channel. Streaming has gotten so bad lately that I don’t think we’re going to have a culture in the future just people setting themselves on fire for TikTok clout
Hopefully he paid for his mp3s and cat food
Use residential IP and the friction stops
Reddit? But they’re our rivals!
Whining is only permitted on the android platform