Sadly a flood won’t solve the problem. The rich assholes just gonna step onto their yachts and sail away.
Sadly a flood won’t solve the problem. The rich assholes just gonna step onto their yachts and sail away.
It took me way to long to realise its Britain. My first thought was, that it would be the US and then got confused because this wasn’t the US.
This is absolutely true
While this is absolutely true, I dont think, that this is the cause of the current uprise of facism.
But we are working on yourself to catch up with the US.
Ahhhhh, now I get it. Thanks for the clarification.
“The word is CELEBRATE!” sobs the old monk.
I don’t get the punchline.
Killing someone is exactly how you get a really fucking angry crowd who will remember his name seek revenge.
Intersting. He devinetively wasnt him. We also didnt had chromebooks. We had thinkpads and normal office PCs (all with the same configuration)
I dont know who that is, so i guess no.
That’s true. What I meant was like basic stuff like navigating through the settings of your phone or so.
My school actually had Linux mint set up for everything. It even resetted every time you boot it, so you couldn’t do any real damage. The only reason we had this was, because one of our CS teachers was very good and actually cared. He is also the one who managed the entire IT infrastructure.
Gen Z here and I can agree. I used to mess with computers, especially when I got older, so I could play games. Later I kind of slipped into the open source and tech bubbles. If there is a problem that annoys me enough to overcome my laziness I will fix it. I have no problems with writing scripts so I don’t have to do stuff manually each time. And then I look left and right and realise that most people in my age dont even have a computer and only use iPads and such stuff. They have zero fucking clue what happens behind the scenes.
“I’m not raising end users…get your shit together kid.”
Quite an important thing. That’s also important if you help your parents/grandparents with something. Guide the through it so you hopefully dont have to help them next time.
You should be able to bust it open using liquid nitrogen and warn water. I don’t think that the glass is made for being able to tank temperature differences of over 200°C
You’re welcome
Hardtekk is a genre quite popular in Germany. Its know for having not much melodies, being repetitive and using a lot of distortion so that everything sounds a bit cheap. It is also quite popular in combination with German rap.
Speedcore is techno with 400+ bpm and Extratone is everything above 3600 BPM. This is The Rate at which the beats turn into a single tone and you can’t hear the single beats.
Hardcore is the evolution of Gabber with harder kicks and a usually darker theme. Nowadays hardcore is heavily influenced by Uptempo. This is why I prefer the old school hardcore over the newer stuff (Uptempo is cool, but I want to listen to hardcore but Uptempo light).
Another genre I like to listen to is terrorcore which is insanely brutal underground hardcore.
Examples for Hardtekk:
Examples for Melodic Extratone:
Examples for Extratone:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkivY3wwQHc (this one is technically Splittercore, but it does has good Extratone elements)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i85jXEhukz8 (the end is Extratone)
Examples for speedcore in general:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOU4WDMchMY (check out the part starting at 4:20 that shit is sick)
Examples for oldschool hardcore:
Examples for terrorcore:
Speedcore and Extratone are devinetively nothing that’s gonna become mainstream, but it devinetively doesnt deserves the hate it gets.
I usually say “harder styles of techno” because most people don’t know what the hell Hardtekk, gabber, hardcore, Speedcore and Extratone are. Especially Extratone gets quite a lot of undeserved hate. Most people shit on it without even knowing what it is and that it isn’t monotone beeping. Melodic Extratone is absolutely great and it uses techniques that you can’t do with other genres.
But they are the ones who fucked everything up and if humanity is going extinct I expect these assholes to Die for what they did.