Described by William Dampier, a 17th-century British pirate as “extraordinary large and fat, and so sweet, that no pullet eats more pleasantly”.
Anyone using text filtering and wanting to filter our “cw” or “tw” content would benefit.
I have some Aladeen news for you my friend
Goddammit, I’d piss on a spark plug if I thought it’d do any good!
Same here, and usually I’m fine with it, like it’s just below my sus level in the dreams.
Peanut butter & white onion sandwich on white bread. Lazy meal.
SMB file share, nightly backup for files, monthly backup for entertainment media, both to a RAID 1 18TB backup mount. Important docs also copied to a flash drive that I keep at an off site location, and swap about once a month.
i thrive on confrontation
How does one learn this skill?
I don’t think it sounds terrible either. I’d try it with a Strawberry soda first.
But then who will feign sadness and remind everyone that while it’s unfortunate it was a button that needed to be pressed and that they’d do it again?
Yes, but do you see the last one!? It is colorful on the outside and golden on the INSIDE
Surely this is what a trident is good for
Going to make me puke, toes intertwined like that is gross af
Really depends on the intensity of my digging. 0
You see late one night when the palace was asleep Out of my royal chambers and into the garden I creep And I wait 'til the appointed time when the moon is lighting the pitch At which point my peasant friend who looks just like me Arrives and we make a switch -Putin probably
Have they not seen the turtle video?!