Another place to start: Privacy Guides has a history of tracking quite a variety of computer networking tools (browsers, data providers, Internet services, software, hardware, desktop and phone, even operating systems),
Another place to start: Privacy Guides has a history of tracking quite a variety of computer networking tools (browsers, data providers, Internet services, software, hardware, desktop and phone, even operating systems),
The EU has such, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), works reasonably well. Pretty good place to start.
That word is carrying a mighty big load.
Yet use AI (possibly) to determine users’ AI answers.
Used to know someone who looked for cars around a restaurant, or long lines waiting to get into a tiny cafe, asked wait staff for interesting places they liked to go; went into non-chain stores where locals shopped (off the main streets); asked walkers and service station workers for directions. Always had wild stories about what happened, if you could get past their private nature. Weird fucker, unpredictable, never could get used to’m. Likeable enough, though.
Exactly. A more accurate headline would be “Americans are Falling Behind on their Income.”
Yeah, that sounds reasonable in the long run (years), while the laptop plan is more immediately useful.
And what would be better recommendations for the poor individuals trapped by loans?
The reactions follow a KFF Health News article published by NPR outlining how licensed brokers’ easy access to policyholder information on HealthCare.gov has led unscrupulous agents to switch people’s policies without express permission. Those agents can then take the commission that comes with signing a new customer.
The original NPR and also the linked KFF articles are worth reading.
As to how rationales go, this is the clearest.
I hate it.
LibreOffice does “develop and maintain a certification system for professionals of various kinds who deliver and sell services around LibreOffice.”
The judge leaned back in a squeaky chair, self-righteously satisfied that the letter of the law had been followed.
The spirit of the law lay trampled on the ground, unable to get up or even breathe. Until the public, individuals carrying the breath of actual humanity, walked into the judge’s chambers, giving the spirit mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Offering a mirror to the judge, who didn’t know how reflection works.
While the article discusses antibiotic resistant gonorrhea in China, the US, and Canada, the problem is not about one country, or one country versus another; but rather…
… this is not just an alarming finding for China but also a “pressing public health concern” for the entire world.
The way the market works: You charge a competitive price that allows you to cover your costs and make a profit. If your product provides enough value to the buyer, they’ll pay for it.
That’s what’s taught. There’s quite a bit more in practice, including: what insurance companies learned from management consultants.
But they aren’t colluding to eek every ounce of money from people.
Maybe so, though there appears to be a common interest.
In 2016, HDDs were more reliable (MTBF).
In 2022, for the first 5 years, SSDs are looking more reliable. With more of a constant failure rate (1%/yr), than the increasing failure rate of HDDs after 5 years.
(Caveat: not just bit rot, but general failure data.)
In addition to traditional answers (Plato, Solipsism, Descartes, …) this question is also the next-to-last step of coming of age: the realization that other people have minds, feelings, reasons, memories, and existences as complex, varied, and real as your own.
Though, rather excitingly, this does not reduce the questions.
In addition to the Texas stand on Medicaid expansion, from the article:
Texas is “ground zero” for the Medicaid unwinding, Alker said. The state leads the U.S. in disenrollments, with around 1.7 million this year, according to KFF.
The US is already among the worst for infant mortality (bottom 4th among North American and Western European countries). The downward-trend causes and solutions are interrelated and complex, and include (and aren’t limited to):
None of the problems are a surprise, they are the predictable consequences of choices. None of the solutions are flawless, even while they head in a more public direction.
Sadly, Syncthing is dropping Android support.