Seriously, helps keep your shoes in better condition over time as well as you aren’t pulling on the back of the shoe or crushing the heel.
Seriously, helps keep your shoes in better condition over time as well as you aren’t pulling on the back of the shoe or crushing the heel.
Unfortunately I don’t think you will be able to actually getting anything from them. They clearly already look down on you for believing what you believe.
I think I am less concerned about the ransomware and more confused as to why there is a wrench that can connect to the internet. What use would that provide to the user that would improve it?
I am a big fan of the advice CGP Grey gives regarding solutions.
Don’t pick the first solution that comes to mind for a problem, it is most likely the least effective.
Boots with the fur!
Bro what the hell at the Suicide Silence show I was at there was a dude dressed as a banana. He moshed the whole fuckin show too.
Show was super good! Neck is sore though lol.
Been putting in the exercise as I see Chelsea Grin and Suicide Silence tonight. My back and neck are not ready.
If you use a Mac, Keyboard Maestro is similar with features and stuff. It just uses an interface similar to Automator.
I agree that it’s a problem but lithium is not an easy mineral to mine or extract and it leads to a lot of nasty biproducts.
I am a citizen of neither here or there Don’t really belong anywhere
Don’t support any party It seems foolhardy
I believe in a man who rose from the dead So I waste my life for that instead
It depends on where it comes from. There is a defeatism that comes from my cynicism, but there is also the existential dread lying awake at night that I deal with as well.
I’m curious about what specifically it is stemming from? In your post you mention feeling aged out in an industry you have become extremely accustomed to. Do you feel like your value is very much driven by what you do? If you were to be aged out and eventually replaced do you feel like a large part of yourself would be missing?
In regards to how often I experience dread, it can be an every day thing. But it depends on what it comes from. There is the dread from feeling powerless to change my environment or culture I am in, but I have found personally that living to bring joy in the small things helps with that. If the dread is from questioning my purpose if there even is one, it’s the same line of thinking for me as before.
I have no clue if that provides any value but I hope you find peace amidst what you’re going through.
I get the whole video, it has a lot of stuff that is bad for LTT, what bothers me is the editing style. It feels more like a hit piece than a piece of criticism with how the cuts are made. If this was to be a video calling out the behaviour and actions of LTT and their channels I think it could have been edited in a way that didn’t seem to have constant cut ins from various videos mocking them. I could see a different cut done by a different editor that took the whole project seriously that would be more effective.
Why do these three look like the boys in Aunty Donna?
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