Is there another example of a sketch where the punchline can be seen from so far away but still lands regardless?
Is there another example of a sketch where the punchline can be seen from so far away but still lands regardless?
I host my own Matrix server and wow is it ever a terrible feeling, knowing that material from another server just slides its way into mine and gets immediately cached.
Containerized holodeck clusters.
Really this should probably be the norm anyway. Why would a holodeck require root access to any vital ship functions if all it needs to do is simulate entirely fake environments and characters?
RSS is one of those things that I grew up always seeing online but never really took the time to understand what it is or how it worked.
Until about a year ago when I set up FreshRSS. Now RSS is like the primary way I consume news online, I can’t believe it took me until current year to get onboard with the concept.
Jeff Bezos Announces Resignation
They had us in the first half, not gonna lie
Plexamp seems to tick all the boxes, but yeah that plex pass requirement is a bit of a downer.
This has been known since the dawn of the internet
They changed their logo gasp
Except that 2028 would also be our window to do something about it before it disappears back into space. There needs to be a plan now, even if that plan is to wait and see where it’s going to hit.
What you could do is tell each next person to move out in half the time it took the previous person. This way you get an infinite amount of moves done within a finite time limit.
There’s still a period where you’re breaking in your sit bones.
When I got my omafiets a couple years ago my ass was pretty sore for at least a month with daily riding. You aren’t really putting any weight on your arms or legs so your saddle is doing the heavy lifting.
The joke didn’t land (pun intended,) but I think they were referring to all the 737 MAX issues that have completely ruined Boeing’s reputation
Do they compete with the 1500 megawatt aperture science heavy duty super-colliding super button?
People far too often confuse introversion with social anxiety. It’s becoming my biggest pet peeve.
There’s always a bigger fish
Hasn’t Lemmy sort of already accomplished that both with federated servers and communities?
I’ve recently started using the archipelago randomizer mod to get another taste of replaying it, but unfortunately the satisfaction of completing a rando pales in comparison to that first experience.
I will never not recommend this game. It’s so good and I can’t wait to see what Mobius comes up with next.
Anybody else remember when fox news interviewed one of the moderators for /r/antiwork which went about as well as you would expect?
The humour is a large part of why people enjoy watching his videos, but the main focus of his channel is going over visual effects in viral videos with incredible detail.
If you aren’t testing your backups then you don’t have backups.