Our uninspiring centrists also sent Trump a get well card after he was shot. They also were calling him a fascist. They sure seemed comfortable with fascists the whole campaign
Our uninspiring centrists also sent Trump a get well card after he was shot. They also were calling him a fascist. They sure seemed comfortable with fascists the whole campaign
I recommend starting with player of games. It is the best of his work imo and it is super approachable.
When have they ever known to program? That is the point of being a junior.
The best games almost require excel.
ICE can gargle my balls
This is what I love about the fediverse. It is the closest to actual anarchist communities I’ve seen and it works great.
Yeah. I hadn’t heard that, but it definitely scans with his whole vibe. That dude loved to be antisemitic. One of the best to ever play the game. Up there with the okhrana.
I’m glad you didn’t try to defend Ford. You know that nazi would have been happy to get his hands dirty skinning various people.
It’s too bad that the republicans didn’t publish their plan well in advance of the election. That might have been very useful for planning a counter strategy.
Are you telling me these tacticool cops aren’t actually operators?
The good news (?) is that American diffuser ia going to be shrinking here in the near future.
Fuck off with this. Trans people are our brothers and sisters and they deserve our vocal and unabashed support just like anyone else. These policies are going to kill many of them. Our love for them may save lives because it shows them that people have their backs. And it is simply the right thing to do. Triangulating is not working as a political strategy. Stand on some fucking morals for once.
Fascism is all about finding a minority and shitting on them. This version is leveraging trans people and immigrants to shit on. Being vocally pro trans is about as anti fascist as you can be right now.
Fascism seeks to divide people. We fight that by fighting for the people who are most marginalized and who they wish to separate from our communities.
“The failure mode of clever is “asshole.”” John Scalzi
Here is a single thing that anyone should be doing, there are other resources elsewhere. But everyone should be working with their unions or forming unions at their places of work. It is surprisingly easy to do, and even MAGA people can recognize they are being fucked by capital. Unionizing the workplace is where our power lies. It is the thing that fascists have always feared. Use those unions to gain concessions from the bosses. Get higher wages, safer work environments, set schedules, etc.
Ok, here is a second idea. Feed your neighbors. Go help feed the homeless folk in your community.
Showing compassion for everyone is a radical act. Build solidarity.
Fascists aren’t particularly smart. They tend to lose in the long run because they just cannot comprehend anything complex. All their philosophy is wishful thinking and simple heuristics that follow their preconceived notions about the superiority of their in group.
They want feudalism because they can’t stand anyone having power other than the people who deserve to rule. They can’t stand that non elites can vote, demand decent wages, etc. so they want feudalism without understanding the downstream effects of that.
They are just fucking dumb. And that is why, if we get enough time, we will win against them. Climate change might get us. But we will fucking destroy these no knowing fuck wits.
Much easier. Automatic registration, mail in ballots, etc etc. More progressive states are much better at this.
But Republicans purged voter rolls, made sure lines were extremely long by under staffing, made it illegal to hand out food and water in lines, making it illegal for felons to vote when felons are intentionally mostly poor and minorities, etc etc etc.
your experiences are not universal. The more marginalized a person is the more likely it will be hard for them to vote.
They want feudalism
Congress is required for all sorts of shit that Elon is doing but that isn’t stopping Elon.
Laws are not some sort of natural force. They are implemented by people and all of those people are either fascists or cowards.
Trumps immunity plus his pardon power make him king. All of his minions can do all the illegal things they want. Trump can then pardon them and he isn’t liable for their crimes if he is doing something roughly in line with his duties are President. John Roberts fucked us all.
The only way this is going to be solved is by people power. Organize. Fight these fascists.
Religion also conditions you to out source your moral judgements. This allows someone to use their authority to convince people of immoral things.