Serial cables. How quaint.
Serial cables. How quaint.
I wish I could upvote this twice.
Thursdays. I never did get the hang of Thursdays.
Update: I wasn’t able to fiddle with it for a few days but after getting back to it have something I like.
My current settings are based on the feedback in this thread and:
z-offset made the single biggest difference. I reset the printer config and re-leveled.
For this filament:
Global Settings
Layer Height 0.20
Initial Layer H... 0.20
Wall Thickness 0.80
Top/Bottom T... 0.80
Combing Mode infill
Build Plate Adh... brim
Wall Line Count 3
Print Thin Walls True
Travel Speed 110
Initial Layer Sp... 20
Retraction Dist... 0.8
Retraction Speed 45
Minimum Extru... 1
Brim Width 4
Filament Print Settings:
Default Printing Temperature 210
Default Build Plate Temperature 60
Standby Temperature 195
Fan Speed 100
z offset / nozzle height seems to be the thing. I’ve raised it up and it looks better. After that I played with the temp a bit and it seems to be happier around 210-215 though there is more stringing.
So far, all attempts at ironing have been a disaster, both zig zag and concentric. I’m going to continue dialing in the z offset and temp before ironing.
Wow. That brings back memories!
Having soldered many of both, I should have noticed. I literally just threw out a big pile of both that have been loitering in storage for years. I’m still surprised when old tech (for any random definition of “old”) pops up.