His resume’s looking pretty great right now. Pick this guy up.
His resume’s looking pretty great right now. Pick this guy up.
If y’all aren’t already aware the first test date for Consumer Power is on Feb 28th. Don’t buy ANYTHING on that date. Yeah, it’s brief, it will probably be a blip, but this is like a test of the emergency broadcast system. If we can get say 2% of people to do that, then watch closely for reactions, it will help us spread the word for the 2nd test. Then the 3rd. It’s only through this grassroots organization that we can accomplish anything.
I had a friend tell me that they’d already seen organizations trying to make it their idea and honestly, I’m not at all concerned about who is putting their brand on it. The POINT here is that we need to start exercising our muscles to make this a real tool for change. Stop focusing on that message and start embracing the larger goal here. Spread the word. RESIST.
Donald ‘Bottom Boy’ Trump
To be completely fair, I’d love to see SCOTUS’ faces right now. Do they and Congress not understand that they’re losing all their influence?
Only had dial-up so insert youvegotmail but then got introduced to bbs and freaked out when I realized I was actually typing to a real person who would gasp! respond.
Not long after I entered the brave new world of irc and the rest was history. Internet=RabbitHole 4ever!
Oh he’s special, alright.
Sorry, maybe because I’m American, so in case our other friends are confused… Managers are below Executives in every capacity and when you ‘flatten’ your radial grid, they mean firing managers. They are the yessiest of the yes men in corporate america.
C-Suite = CEO, CTO, CFO, etc.
Executives = Presidents, Vice Presidents, Directors, etc.
Managers = The people who manage the workers, ie handle scheduling, duties, metrics, and having to eventually fire someone because the people above tell them to.
Workers = The people who actually know the job.
It’s so cute that they put Managers above Executives. Man up and call it what it is, instead… The C-Suite
Um, I’m gonna reveal my age here and say that it’s a crime the old Dragonlance fantasy series was never made into a movie. It’s perfect.
I mean, clearly they were interrupting his tee-times.
Little magnetic shopping list board that sticks on the fridge. Lost a really wonderful dog a few years ago and had written a list for her that included a lot of quality of life stuff for her final days.
After she passed, I just never wrote on that board again. It got packed and moved to a new house where it sits once again on the refrigerator. Time has hardened the ink on the board and it won’t come off again, but I just physically can’t throw it away.
It’s stupid. She’s been gone 4 years now. I’m just powerless xD
I literally wonder if this wasn’t some kind of epic troll. Trump’s team asks a scientist about the particulars, and the scientist fully understands how stupid they are, so just fails to make that one final conclusion to them and just sends it. xD Sorry, I gotta find humor where I can.
Pretty easy conclusion to reach since… we all are.
Assuming they even want those soldiers back. That would mean they give a shit.
It occurred to me while playing Helldivers that all the bugs we were killing would probably taste like crab after boiling.
puts on bib and grabs the shell crackers
You can’t take it back. What you can do is have a trademark of sorts and sue anyone using it without your permission for damages, which if won, is a lot more than it would have cost them to just pay the sub.
When one server goes down, it’s taken out back, shot, and replaced on the line.
And then Skynet remembers…
If we don’t keep calling it out as evil it will become standard. Never be silent.
I think the important distinction would be ‘file’ or ‘record’. Passwords aren’t really a file in a database iirc and records in a database have a storage limit
Awesome that Zelensky kept his cool. Almost like he knows what to expect.
Trump and Vance calling him disrespectful, when disrespectful is their default stance, is hilarious.