Maybe I’m in the minority but I still think inhaling wrong and being covered in fire inside and outside is scary.
Maybe I’m in the minority but I still think inhaling wrong and being covered in fire inside and outside is scary.
It’s gonna be homo sapiens unless crabs evolve laughter.
I understand your point but some of history’s most publicized and powerful figures have been consumed by crabs. Amelia Earhart and countless other well known examples through history show the crab threat is much more present and real than you imply.
With the Navage you can save it for later instead of letting it go down the drain!
Walt you dry yourself with your underwear?
Was the child employed in the poultry or cattle industries?
Not supporting Microsoft, but didn’t they just lease out a nuclear power plant to reduce their carbon emissions?
Must have had you wishing for a nuclear winter.
No, only Nissans. It says right there.
I didn’t think war was often fought just for the sport of battle.
Try soaking and drying your kernels.
Because he’s been through the desert on a horse with no rain?
That’s a real thing right?
We need to put people in debt in prison, until they can pay off their debts!
You probably won’t.
Dark cloud 2
Technically they’re on his person which is how possession is usually defined.
This would have made the Spanish version of A Bugs Life interesting.