35, WI, can. Haven’t had one in a while because the wife doesn’t want to learn.
I tried twice and it went poorly.
35, WI, can. Haven’t had one in a while because the wife doesn’t want to learn.
I tried twice and it went poorly.
Living this right now, but it’s great. She’s organizing my entire plex server!
You can only get this effect in the center of your visual field due to the organization of your retina where you have color vision. The rest of your eye is much more sensitive to light so you can see dim stars more easily in your periphery by looking away from them a bit. Maybe you can use your own biology to help enjoy the night sky even more! If you get a friend, you can use colored pen caps and get them to hold them in your periphery and tell them what color it is. You don’t be able to until they reach the color vision part of your visual field if you stay looking forward.
It’s trippy, but your brain fills in color for you a lot of the time.