(She/her) Just a gal who likes games, movies, tea, and vibing. Likes long walks in the forests. https://boarqueen.carrd.co/
There’s a setting in the Master Collection’s options menu that let you mess with controller settings, and one of those settings is connect as P2
Boldly diving into the series for the first time! I needed something different, and I figured “Fuck it, Metal Gear time. I’ve been wanting to try it for a long time. Snake was one of my mains in Smash.” lol
Anyway, obviously i’ve heard PLENTY about the series, but thankfully in casual conversation, most people dont talk about story details, so im pretty blank on twists and turns.
(EA logo voice guy) M G S, It’s in the genes
Sadly no, too many damn lists, “top 10 details in gaming”, and other such things like that to avoid the spoilers lol. But, i sat back and enjoyed the game as not only a “game” but a little piece of gaming history and DAMN, MGS is very ahead of it’s time in style, meta references, and presentation. I couldn’t stop a big dumb grin spreading on my face when
the screen blacked out with a green “Hideo” in the corner in Mantis’s fight.
(Mantis fight spoilers) I even loved the little deathtraps in the game, trap doors in the floor, bullshit little gun turrets hidden around corners… but my dumb ass likes Fatal Labyrinth on the Genesis, so do with that as you will XD
I want to die
They shopped until they dropped
It’s really amazing that NN:EE (Love that acronym BTW) is still getting worked on. I love seeing what comes out of a passionate community/developer
SO IT WASN’T JUST MY DUMBASS. Thank you, you have no idea how much better that makes me feel XD
Funnily enough, I figured it out really fast, like I GET IT, it was a very strange and wonky mechanic to suddenly hit players with, but i was immediately wiggling around the moment I got on it, trying to figure out what they wanted and noticed that I was bouncing a little more when I moved up and down. So kind of… like pure chance I got out alive lol
Slightly unfair to say, though. Hogwarts Legacy got a multiplatform release. TOTK only released on Switch.
Counter-point for fairness, It’s impressive that TOTK got that many sales on it’s own while being stuck on one platform!
Either way, 2023 was a good year for gaming. Lots of fun stuff got released and I hope we can keep this trend going.
Decided to come back to this thread and check on it. Seems Wildlands is the clear winner XD
I tried both and I feel like Wildlands is better. The world is very alive and expansive, plus the movement feels better. Something feels very clunky about breakpoint’s movement. Oh, and I enjoyed Wildlands’ primary enemies quite a bit more than Breakpoint. Wildlands does a good job of letting you SEE just how depraved the Sicarios are and their effects on the world.
Also, before i forget to share, THIS MOMENT actually gave me chills down my spine.
(Major story spoilers!)