Slay the Spire
Slay the Spire
"Hold still, please. " he croaks as he hole punches the forehead.
There’s usually a point in hobbies where you can find a great price/enjoyment point. Until you want to go deeper down the rabbit hole
Asimina triloba, aka Pawpaws. The hill-billy banana!
He’s parroting good points he hears used against him.
“You don’t have a plan”
“That’s a lie”
All mammals are the same thing, just carbon life forms
Ahoy! It’s pawpaw season!
Excellent! Now plant native fruit trees, bushes, brambles, and herbs and make a multilayered food forest!
Woah woah woah, cut yourself some slack! Every 2 weeks?? Nah, once a month. 9AM? Give yourself time to wake up and think clearly! 10AM or 11AM if you’re not a morning person
By the time the trade is disclosed it’s been like a month and you may be part of the exit liquidity
Up and coming? Pff. It’s a fade that will pass like the wind
There’s a difference between dead and non-living though. Dead implies it was alive previously
The third thing would be “inanimate”
The pizza hut demo disc, yes!!!
“Zoom in, there’s a period: Don’t. Be evil.”
This would be OP in Monster Hunter
I’d suggest anyone intrigued read Gaia’s Garden by Toby Hemenway and look into permaculture!
Starting your own forest garden is fantastic but please don’t alter any existing forests without learning about the existing eco system and which native plants would best fit into it
Gardening and forest gardening! Planting something starts another living organism and with good planning there may be no maintenance required on your part. You’ll just have this happy little tree/shrub/herb/vine growing its own way
TIL there are posts too shitty for shitposting