I hadn’t given it much thought as so many of the legacy systems I worked with were case sensitive. But I’m with you. Except for passwords.
I hadn’t given it much thought as so many of the legacy systems I worked with were case sensitive. But I’m with you. Except for passwords.
This happened where I work. An inexperienced team was making changes to a shared code base. They made changes to make usernames case insensitive, without thinking about them ready being case sensitive. So if you logged in with user CAT123, you might get cat123’s info. And then I was left on the team that had to clean up their mess and find and understand the impact.
I have not played that one. I’ll check out some trailers and add to my dekulist if it looks like something I would enjoy. Thanks for that!
So it’s a different concept that you have to wrap your head around for it. I’ve had more success solving things backwards. On some of the longer puzzles I have a spreadsheet running for the order of things, as I kept doing them in the wrong order. But most puzzles are short enough that isn’t required.
The funny thing is that I was stuck on two puzzles and every time I have been stuck the reason is that I didn’t think of the concept of rewinding things properly. I was stuck on trying to throw things or drop them perfectly. I’ve only looked up to solutions so far and really kicked myself for spoiling it. The game does a good job of teaching the techniques, you just have to be savvy enough to use them.
But if you enjoyed Portsl, you’re most likely going to enjoy it. Fun puzzles, snarky robot, saving the world. Very inspired by Portal, but it does a good job of being its own thing.
Still working through Entropy Center. I’m working through level 9 at the moment. Also the original Karamari Damacy went on sale, so might start that.
I got the wireless 5450s. Had to replace the controller. Getting the replacements it was a guess between the sub and the controller. Which netted me backup of everything except the controller. Still works just fine and was used as primary surround sound until recently.