Hello Everyone!
Finally got my Dual Sense back from repair! So, spent most of my time this week on PS5 instead of Switch. Though, I did start a new game on Switch. 😀
- Cleared the Water world in New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe. Going to play the next one now.
- Started Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney trilogy. Playing the first game, and it’s so much fun. Having a blast.
- Still playing Dragon Quest XI, not much to mention here, except didn’t give it as much time this week. I should’ve started this on Switch, but since it’s free on PS+, playing it there. Problem is, you can’t just save the game anywhere, I only play it when I know I won’t be distracted midway, which isn’t that easy with kids, and when I do have time like that, I want to play Monster Hunter, cause that game also has the same problem. Last I played I was mid-way in dungeon, but had to zoom back to last camp so that I could save and quit. Would have to play that half-dungeon again.
- Finally beat Pink Rathian in Monster Hunter: World, beat it solo, after dieing some 6-7 times. Finally beating a monster you’ve been stuck on for a while feels very rewarding, which is probably why I have spent most of my time playing MH:W after beating Pink Rathian. After grinding for better equipment, and tracking the tracks, have reached the part where you fight Nergigante. Didn’t know you can’t capture Elder Dragons, which got me killed, but was so close. Should be able to beat him next time.
That’s all about me. What about you guys? What have you been playing?
Still working through Entropy Center. I’m working through level 9 at the moment. Also the original Karamari Damacy went on sale, so might start that.
This looks interesting. How tough are the puzzles? And how are you liking the game?
So it’s a different concept that you have to wrap your head around for it. I’ve had more success solving things backwards. On some of the longer puzzles I have a spreadsheet running for the order of things, as I kept doing them in the wrong order. But most puzzles are short enough that isn’t required.
The funny thing is that I was stuck on two puzzles and every time I have been stuck the reason is that I didn’t think of the concept of rewinding things properly. I was stuck on trying to throw things or drop them perfectly. I’ve only looked up to solutions so far and really kicked myself for spoiling it. The game does a good job of teaching the techniques, you just have to be savvy enough to use them.
But if you enjoyed Portsl, you’re most likely going to enjoy it. Fun puzzles, snarky robot, saving the world. Very inspired by Portal, but it does a good job of being its own thing.
Ah okay. Thanks for the feedback. Will check it out.
Have you played “The Turing Test”, it’s a similar game, but I felt puzzles were pretty easy. And the area was generally quite small, like the original Portal.
I have not played that one. I’ll check out some trailers and add to my dekulist if it looks like something I would enjoy. Thanks for that!
As a fan of the Ace Attorney series, the whole series is amazing. Great writing (including the localization), music, characters and sprite work/art throughout. Have fun with it!
I’ve been busy with other things this week so didn’t play much. Got through the forest but haven’t claimed the Master Sword yet in TotK. I hope it’s not too spoilery to say that you really need to build up your stamina to get it, but even with all the shrine hunting I’ve been doing I didn’t have enough (I was remembering BotW where you needed a lot of health and built that up instead) so now I’m doing even MORE shrine hunting. (I could use a certain thing to trade but I don’t want to do that, I want to do it “legit”.) Fortunately I should only need three more shrines (one more stamina vessel) to have enough so it’s possible I’ll be able to do it this weekend.
Yeah, the writing in Ace Attorney is really good. At least in the first one, haven’t played any of the rest yet. 😀
Good luck with TotK, not much remaining after that. You would be soon coming face to face with the big bad. Have fun!
I have been playing a bit of Sonic Origins here and there these days. I am trying to finish Sonic 2 just now.
I’ll definitely be playing some co-op beat em ups this weekend. Maybe continue with Double Dragon, but we may end up switching to something else (better 😅).
I’ve also been playing Pikmin 4, but I’m taking it easy, and I’ve been thinking a lot about going back to Tears of the Kingdom to finish the main story. But maybe I’ll wait until after I’ve finished Pikmin…
Nice. Sonic 2 is the only Sonic I clearly remember finishing. The last levels were pretty tough.
Good luck with Pikmin 4!
I’m hating every single underwater level. I have a lot of issues with Sonic games level design (in some cases it’s plainly bad in my opinion). But pushing through!
We ended up playing Shredder’s Revenge instead of Double Dragon, looking forward to the DLC in a few days!
lol, you mentioned underwater level, and I could hear the beeping sound when Sonic is running out of water and then Sonic’s drowning sound.
Oh yeah. The DLC looks great.
Slow week but still got some progress on Grisaia Phantom Trigger 5.5 to 08. For those unfamiliar with this series of Visual Novels I left a small explanation about it on a comment a couple weeks ago.
Finished Episode 06, which was my favorite so far. The original Phantom Triggers were very fun, in particular Aoi, and we finally get confirmation that the main plot will be dealing with the terrorist group that showed up in 04. We also get a view of the “villain” here, which was the only thing I disliked - while the game shows the reasons for that character to go rogue, the transition is too abrupt, they go from a friendly character into a almost cartoonish villain immediately, so I’m hoping they will explore and explain this better in the following chapters.
Also started Episode 07, which is another Shiori-focused episode. This chapter starts with her finding a way to deal with the fact that her students are also soldiers that are going to be put in dangerous situations and reaching an amusing but also perfectly in-character solution. Then we move into gathering all the people we met in the previous episodes to fight the villains.
Two interesting things about 07: It’s much longer, and it actually features choices - all previous episodes were Kinetic Novels, VNs where there are no choices or routes. I wonder if this was done as a callback to the first Grisaia game, where most of the choices (and all the relevant ones) were in the final 1/3 of the story.
Ahan, interesting.
I finally started my first VN-ish game. Phoenix Wright. Where does it stand in another VNs? Or is it not even considered a proper VN?
Depends on who you ask, as they’re kind of a midway between a VN and a point-and-click adventure.
I’d consider them VNs, VNDB says they aren’t, but I’m pretty sure most people would be fine discussing those on VN-focused forums or communities.
Are you enjoyjng them? I’m a big fan of the series overall, with the third game being my favorite.
As for how it compares to “traditional” VNs: PW games have you interact way more often. You don’t get sections of 1h+ of just reading text uninterrupted in PW games, and that’s fairly common in other games of this genre.
Ah. Well, at least I don’t mind these kind of “VN”, would try one of the traditional VN after that and see how that goes.
And yes, I am loving it. The story is interesting. Court-room parts are really fun. Enjoying the whole game.
If you’re liking the PW series you’ll probably also enjoy the Danganronpa games. Much darker stories despite the colorful visuals, but they’re another VN/Adventure hybrid with a mystery plot.
In that line of hybrids there’s also 13 Sentinels which has an amazing story and mixes adventure-style exploration with tower defense battles.
Yeah, both are already on my wishlist. Thinking about starting Danganronpa after finishing Phoenix Wright.
As for 13 Sentinels, I have played Vanillaware games before like their games, so have it on my radar since it was announced, just haven’t gotten around to playing it yet.
Thanks for the recommendations!
Blasphemous. I’m going through the Wounds of Eventide quest first before allowing myself to play Blasphemous II.
Nice! How is the difficulty level of Blasphemous? It’s on my wishlist, but I have heard it’s a pretty difficult game.
It can be difficult at times but not impossible. I’d say it’s more forgiving than Hollow Knight. The difficulty is mostly from combat which requires mastery of the defend technique, similar to that in Metroid Dread. It’s a beautifully stunning game with detailed pixel art and has a phenomenal soundtrack!
Cool. Thanks for the feedback!
Started playing Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE by the Danganronpa team, it really does feel like a Danganronpa style game but with a new setting! Kinda refreshing now to get a new setting and not have the story “locked” by the Danganronpa setting, actually.
Also I got back into Hyper Light Drifter, which I played a bit a few years ago, but it didn’t quite “click” with me. I think I found the map confusing. However this time I managed to understand how to navigate better, and got more into the game!
Nice list of games. All of these are on my wishlist. 😀 I think I’ll give Danganronpa a try after finishing Ace Attorney trilogy.
Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE
Really wanted to play this one but my copy is taking forever to go through customs. :/ Might stick to shorter games for a while and pray it gets here soon.
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