that is configurable by your admin. while it was useful for you, you should probably raise that problem to your admin.
Nope. I don’t talk about myself like that.
that is configurable by your admin. while it was useful for you, you should probably raise that problem to your admin.
And has been available for years… Why this is news today is beyond me. I’m pretty sure I saw these cables on hak5’s site over 5 years ago.
There’s some value in hiding your alcoholism from Timmy.
Or if it was a lie to make himself look macho to his peers at school.
most people who get assisted suicide meds never take them
Many people offered medical suicide and go through with it don’t actually do it for a medical reason. But mostly because medical systems are swamped and they are otherwise poor. This isn’t humane, this is just throwing those people away and hoping they choose the easy option so they don’t drag down the rest of the system. At least how I’ve seen in implemented watching Canada’s case. If you know of a better case of implementation that I should be looking at, I’m all ears.
I’m aware. But Logitech backed down on it. HP wouldn’t have.
The image is of a Logitech MX master. But yes the meme is very HP coded.
Most of the hardware itself was free(business decommissioned) or auction wins (4.5TB of ram out of a $600 auction, selling some servers paid the whole auction off). So quite cheap in that respect. And it’s not strictly private use. Lots of functions in there to keep my business going/make it easier to track taxes/auto billing clients/email/etc. Though only typically operationally, not as an income generator itself (eg, not hosting other companies stuff so much).
And yeah, if energy was 10x more expensive (I think it was you or someone else that said $0.60 per kWh?) I’d probably rethink my situation/stance a bit.
But 3kW service is awfully low. Standard around here is 200amp service to a house (at 120v, so 24kVA service), 100amp (12kVA) if you have gas utilities handling range/heating, as A/C is heavily required where I live. My PV setup is rated 15.9kW, though caps out at 11kW on the best days. I can’t imagine living off of 3kW. My desktop uses 1/10th of that. My idle usage in my house minus the servers is ~2kW. I can see why you’re squeezing Watts. Some googling shows Italy being a country that does this… You probably are in similar situation as them where A/C isn’t really common, heating and cooking isn’t electric based, etc… Most of the year I’m not allowed to even make a fire, so I’m forced to rely on electricity.
But no SUV here… 1 hybrid sedan for this family of 4. Gas costs too much and we drive too little.
And here I am with a 5 server cluster, 2x custom servers running opnsense for redundancy (8gbps internet connection needs real horsepower for IDS/firewall/routing), and a 36 bay storage truenas node… that’s getting upgraded to 72 bay version for more drives (34 additional drives ready for install RIGHT NOW)… I see your 50 and 38 W… and raise you
2200-ish watts? Oh… and cooling the servers to keep them to about 75 degrees intake temp.
So really closer to 3400 watts.
Taking your numbers of 6 watts saved per drive would only save me 180w currently and 432w after I install the additional 32 drives next week. I’d still be in the 3kW territory.
I also have solar…
I generate (orange) enough to export (purple) a little during the day… but that’s about it… Battery (light green) usage just kills peak hours.
The electrical usage costs me about $100-110 a month in electricity after solar ($0.06 per kWh), probably closer to $150 if solar wasn’t eating up a bunch of it. Less than subscriptions to all the shit that I’m hosting for myself by a long long shot. Forget the family and other users.
Nextcloud - 5TB, google drive is $10/mo for 2TB
MSTY - AI stuff, another $10/mo subscription if you want google gemini. $20 for ChatGPT.
Minecraft - private, $5 a month minimum. Probably closer to $10 for reasonable specs to do anything with the kiddos.
Email - 1TB across all users right now, ~$5 minimum for just me, though I’m oversize for many platforms as I have everything going back to 2006 or so. So probably close to $8-10 for just me.
Private search aggregator - apparently a paid service now with the likes of kagi. $10
Home assistant - $6.50 through nobucasa.
$46-66 on this stuff alone…
Frigate… 8 cameras with corals for inferencing. God know what that cost would be. I keep 30 days of 24 hours, 6 months of detected items and 1 year of snapshots. I’m at 50TB of usage there. This probably could/should be cut down significantly, at least halved. but even 25TB is a fuck-ton of money per month on any VPS/hosted system. Ring’s plan is about half what I’m doing at $20/mo. No idea what other services would end up being. Not even sure how ring and other make money at that cost when storage is expensive otherwise.
Paperless-ngx, lubelog, grocy, gramps for organization/documentation would need a VPS service… or migrating to a non-hosted solution (so can’t really be shared easily, or shared through google docs sort of thing).
Self-hosted things like lemmy, mastodon, matrix, peertube, etc… VPS costs would be something substantial as well. And business operation stuff like my invoices, jump hosts, secure vms, etc…
And lastly, the cost of owning my own data… where no company can spy on me. Or monetize me in ads. Invidious, my own dns with custom rules for me vs the kids, etc…etc…etc… Priceless.
Then multiply the parts of the list for other users on my system (wife, both kids, father, etc…)
And of course the massive porn collection… Gotta have that on a moments notice.
Way to comment on something from over a year ago. And no nobody lied to me. I read the manifesto that Hamas publicly published.
11am? You give me too much credit. Holding out that far into the day is a real tough ask.
No shame. Anything consenting adults want to do is fine. Just don’t be weird and talk to me about your private affairs in public.
Who knows how many meetings they’re involved in to constrain the crazy from senior management?
This is more than half of my job. Telling the company owners/other departments “No”. Or changing their request to something actually reasonable and selling them that they want that instead.
Must be the most divine act to make the son of god die to save it.
I find it hard to believe spilling it is more of a sin than saving it in a jar in the fridge.
He saw that too… and died for it. So it must be worth it.
I have no fucking clue… I think it’s crazy. But the idea that Jesus witnessed all of that and decided that dying to absolve us of it all is fucking hilarious.
I just like the idea that he saw a donkey show and said, “yep… that’s worth dying for!”
Is hot creampie sex the only legal sex, according to the Bible?
I do believe so…
Yeah I really don’t care about why it’s that way. I’m atheist. I just know that’s what I was told when they were attempting to indoctrinate me my entire childhood. It’s also part of why I quoted it… and why I treated it as the joke that it is.
The problem here wasn’t that he spilled his seed, it was that he spilled his seed in order to keep banging his brother’s widow.
So the idea is that succumbing to hedonism is the problem (desiring the act over his duties)… of which I’m sure we can all agree that masturbation is basically 100% of the time outside of let’s say clearing the chamber after a vasectomy or some other medical procedure. It makes sense regardless why catholocism would come to that conclusion based on their faith in the fictitious book regardless.
“Spilling seed” is a sin… So confirmed that Jesus saw it and thought it was worth forgiving by dying on a cross for.
No, that’s an entire external service + a script.
Requires running and that custom script.
At that point I might as well tell plex to rescan the library every x hours itself.
Edit: I forgot to add this even though I meant to
Autoscan, A-Train and Bernard are no longer actively maintained.
And that github… it no longer maintained.
and for crime/court