That’s shocking
Which presumably were taught, and present in abundance, at this august institution
You heartless bastards. Think of all the countless health plan CEOs who are going to go hungry because of this.
His name can’t really be Vought?!
Yeah, but the whole ‘trying to join the IDF’ thing completely negatively outweighs any other beneficial factors about him.
I would be, no exaggeration, STOKED for a Kamala/AOC ticket
I’m from the US. Enlighten me!
This fuckin’ comments thread is a trip
I identify as both
Hmm, yeah, can’t say that I have ever noticed this happening in reality.
I’m all for them seceding anyway
Just wait until the lava people surface and invade
Embezzling money
The more I read about this guy, the more he seems like a grade A asshole.
Nah, Icicles are a couple DC supervillains, and they’re actually pretty powerful, and not terribly sensitive.
I tried them a few months ago to see what it was like since I hadn’t had it in many years, and I enjoy occasional fast food. All the food was almost flavorless. For something that rich and greasy to be tasteless is rather off-putting. It was a thoroughly unpleasant experience.
Also, fuck these politicians
Of course it did.
Zelenskiy for World President