The title should read, Texas Lt. Governor does everything possible to foment civil war in a horrible situation of their own making

    1 year ago

    Everyone is talking about how they don’t have the military power to win a civil war. I can’t get over how 1 day of freezing rain can end electricity in texas for weeks. Their infrastructure couldn’t handle some teens with a DIY hacking blog

      1 year ago

      It’s like that one kid in school that acts all tough, but one slap and they collapse like a cheap lawn chair.

      This’ll be Texas if he US military turns it’s gaze inwards. One slap and about 50 years later, some pearl clutching “concerned mothers” will erect statues of Gravy Seals and call them “civil war heroes”.

      Let’s hope some of them are black and/or Hispanic, because at least the performative and fake commemorations erected will be diverse and representative this time around.

      Ofc you know I’m talking about the Confederate status, because losers do get trophies.

  • Flying
    1 year ago

    I can’t wait for these cowards to back down. And they will back down. They have nothing to fight the U.S. government with.

      1 year ago

      It will be interesting to see what the Border Patrol union does. It seems as though they are on Texas’ side…

      From NBPC Twitter Friday, 1/26:

      Rank-and file BP agents are not going to start arresting TX NG members for following their LAWFUL orders.

      That’s fake news. TX NG and rank-and-file BP agents work together and respect each other’s jobs. Period. If TX NG members have LAWFUL orders, then they have to carry out those orders.

      TX NG members realize that rank-and-file BP agents have their orders as well. Lawful orders, no matter how unpopular or distasteful amongst rank-and-file agents, must be followed. Unlawful orders (as determined by competent legal counsel and not what some outhouse lawyer behind a keyboard says) will not be followed.

      Rank-and-file BP agents appreciate and respect what TX has been doing to defend their state in the midst of this catastrophe that the Biden Admin has unleashed on America.

      We want to be perfectly clear, there is no fight between rank-and-file BP agents and the TX NG, Gov. Abott, or TX DPS. It may make flashy headlines, but it simply isn’t true.

      in the midst of this catastrophe that the Biden Admin has unleashed on America.

      That almost sounds like they would strike instead


      • Flying
        1 year ago

        Let them strike. This isn’t between Texas and the border patrol anymore. This is between Texas and the federal government. The next step is to federalize the Texas National Guard just like Eisenhower did in Arkansas to support racial integration in schools.

        Edit: Also, wow, that union Twitter page is just openly shilling for Trump.

    1 year ago

    In an interview on Fox News’ Sunday Morning Futures with host Maria Bartiromo, Patrick said that Texas does not want a confrontation with the Biden administration. However, when asked by Bartiromo whether this situation will “turn into a civil war,” Patrick responded by reiterating that Texas has a constitutional right.

    “We believe constitutionally we are right, we have a right to defend our citizens, we have a right to defend this country and we are just doing our job. These young women and men who serve our National Guard and our DPS these are the best of the best why would he want to send anyone down to confront them,” he said.

    Ok - so on Dan Patrick…I would encourage everyone to look up just how big of a piece of shit this guy is. As horrible as Abbott & Attorney General Ken Paxton are, this guy is somehow worse. You don’t hear about him as much because he’s the Lt. Gov, but in Texas that position carries a lot of power.

    Anyway, here you go:

    Patrick opposes abortion in cases of incest and rape.

    Patrick has supported placing creationism within the public school curriculum in Texas

    In 2021, Patrick supported legislation to prevent public schools from requiring that students read writings by prominent civil rights figures, such as Susan B. Anthony, Cesar Chavez, and Martin Luther King Jr., when covering women’s suffrage and the civil rights movement in social studies classes.

    As Lieutenant Governor, Patrick moved to keep National Guard troops sent to the Texas-Mexico border during the illegal immigration surge of 2014 indefinitely.

    In 2014, after a federal court ruled that Texas’ ban on same-sex marriage was unconstitutional, Patrick expressed his opposition to same-sex marriage, and vowed to fight such court decisions should he be elected to the Lt. Governor’s office.

    In 2022, Patrick’s campaign sent out a mass mailing to Republican voters across Texas with inaccurate instructions on how to send requests for absentee ballots. The mailing included return envelopes that were addressed to the Texas secretary of state’s address when they should have been to local election offices. Patrick’s campaign defended the inaccurate instructions, saying it “gave voters an added layer of comfort” not to have to mail sent to “Blue County election officials.”

    In 2019, Patrick opposed a bill that would have decriminalized simple possession of cannabis in Texas.

    Patrick is a strong supporter of maintaining Confederate monuments on public display, despite opposition from civil rights groups who consider the statues as a defense of the institution of slavery and of the Civil War.

    Patrick again garnered controversy on April 21, when he defended his previous comments on the pandemic by saying "And what I said when I was with you that night, there are more important things than living.”

    After the 2019 El Paso shooting, Patrick listed factors that he believed contributed to the shooting, starting off with video games, saying, “We’ve always had guns, always had evil, but I see a video game industry that teaches young people to kill.”

    At a political rally for President Trump on October 17, 2019, Patrick told a crowd of 20,000 that liberals “are not our opponents, they are our enemy.”