RRTANGENTABACUS-Episode 1 Podracer hahaha
I agree, and the juice is so rarely worth the squeeze, often taking multiple failed attempts to even get a mediocre entry. Nostalgia is not always a sure-fire tool to make money, as I hope studios and media will take to heart (but probably won’t).
In the past, the two Bobs said it would happen ‘over their dead bodies’ and MJF asked an interviewer who inquired about a sequel ‘what would the new one do that we didn’t already do? There’s a beginning, a middle, and an end,’
I’m just here for the merfolk.
Final Fantasy 7 - PlayStation
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Nintendo 64
If you look up the practical application of Shadow profiles they have the ability to gather information about non-users, which also includes unborn children in the case of them discovering that the mother is pregnant through whatever web searches that they may be doing even outside of Facebook. The whole science of Shadow profiles used to strengthen the algorithm is incredibly frightening and part of the reason why I left Facebook.
It was that combined with the fact that they create shadow profiles for your unborn child when your wife is pregnant. (Found out through FB being allowed to track your browsing history even off the app). That was the final straw right after the Cambridge Analytica issue.
This is better than a greentext haha
Bra-men Rider
These trees look like they’re dropping a phat new album
Wait is this actually you??? Or am I just another gullible fool on the Internet?
I ended up getting Metal Gear Rising: Revengence, Sonic Adventure 2, Prey, Daemon X Machina, and Dragon Age 2. I have no regrets in my eclectic sale impulses hahaha
Username checks out
Smart move regardless
Thanks! Free game!
Hell yeah! Fuck Putin.