Of course I am an Adult Gen Z. I am certainly NOT 3 shriveled boomers in a trench coat.
Their org page has all the trappings of a typical Dem “think tank” / trough feeder org. Looking to get in in that sweet graft.
That’s why I’m voting PSL 😏
I’d prefer to vote Green but the major parties in my state made sure if I did, it would’nt be recognized. -So PSL it is!
Driven by a woeful misunderstanding of what went wrong in both 2016 and 2000.
Astroturfing works, unfortunately.
No advocacy group against First Past The Post voting? Isn’t the biggest concern with Jill stein running is that she is “going to steal votes from the democrats”? Attack the problem at its source, the FPTP voting system.
When we get to use a more representative voting system, people would be free to vote for Jill stein; secure in the knowledge that their vote would still be cast against the republicans if she didn’t win.
Don’t the democrats want to beat the Republicans in any way they can? Why is the DNC saying no to these extra votes? Don’t democrats believe in democracy? Who could possibly say no to more democracy?
Smart move regardless
Surely the Russians aren’t funding an anti-Jill Stein campaign AND the Jill Stein campaign.